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feels like anesthetic wearing off in face and tongue

Hi does has anyone ever had a reaction to Henna hair dye.  I checked the Iist and it did not contain PPD.

I spent 2 hours grating the solid henna bar and then had it in my hair for 1 1/2 hours, this was over the Easter weekend.  The day after my tongue and throat feel like I have a mouth of pepper, or similar to anisthetic wearing off.  I also have the same sensation in the face, left side, lips and sometimes into my nose.  I then went down with very bad sinus infection with vertigo symptoms, this cleared up after two weeks with antibiotics but am still left with the tongue and face sensations.

Is this an allergy?  or maybe coincidence and is something else.

Would love to hear anyones thoughts.
Thanks guys. x
5 Responses
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Have you had allergic reactions in the past? Are you allergic to any specific substances?

Are you eating properly? You need to take vitamin and mineral supplements for any deficiencies in your diet. Eat a protein rich diet and drink plenty of water daily.

Use a mild shampoo and conditioner. Avoid excessive use of chemicals, hair colour, dyes etc on your hair.

Are you taking any medications currently?

You should consult an allergy specialist  for your symptoms and see what  they have to say.

Till you get an appointment, you could take some OTC antihistamine or antiallergic medications and see if that helps.

Let us know how you are doing and if you have any doubts.

Keep us posted about what your doctor advises.

Hope this helps.

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Hi and thank you so much for your reply.

Apart from hayfever i do not have any other allegies that I know of.

I had been taking Gabapentin and Coden since last July after having a rib removed.  I was weaning off the med when this started up.

thank you again for being there on the other end of this forum.

Kind regards

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So you still have significant pain in your rib?
When you say Coden, do you mean "codeine"?

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Pain all gone in the rib now, thank goodness - my nerve endings went mental after the op never had pain like it, couldnt move for weeks.

Yes Codeine not coden!!  Sorry my brain just wouldnt let me spell last night!!

Hope your having a nice  weekend.

Kind regards
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Good to know that your pain has decreased. However, please do remind your doctor about these drugs when he examines the facial sensations. This may be helpful to him.

My weekend is good. How about yours?

Glad to be of help.

Best regards
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