2039791 tn?1329805342

flu allergy

when i woke up my day starts with flu and sneezing so much sneeze but little flu is there any kind of treatment of food for this
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535822 tn?1443976780
A lot of this around I myself have had it for a few months now, like severe allergies, have you any cough or tickling throat itchy,sore eyes, as these are other symptoms , fatigue, I have done some research and I think its environmental
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Your symptoms could be due to a post nasal drip, which can cause a chronic irritation in the throat. This could be due to a sinus infection, a cold or a chronic allergy. It could be sinusitis, if it is accompanied by nasal stuffiness and facial pain or pressure. Post nasal drip could also be due to allergens. These are substances like pollen, dust, animal dander, certain foods, insect venoms and certain medications. Exposure to allergens causes a runny nose with a resultant post nasal drip where secretions from the nose go backward into the throat and irritate. You will need to consult your primary care physician for proper clinical assessment. In the meantime for relief from your symptoms you could do warm salt gargles and take OTC antihistamines.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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