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how can i get rid of these horrible freckles on my face? i just want nice clear skin! iv got acne aswell that wont budge
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thank you doctorf for your information! its very much appreciated!!
ill let you no how i get on
thank you x
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Hi, sorry for delay. Only checked back today.

You can buy hydroquinone containing products from your local pharmacy (I think one of them has a trade name 'fadeout') BUT they only contain 2% when to have optimal results, you need to use 4%. As I mentioned if you google 'hydroquinone no prescription' you should find some online pharmacies that will supply the 4% without a prescription.

The honest answer to your question about lemon juice / other homeopathic treatments is 'NO ....won't work' (just not strong  enough...sorry!)

As I said, it'll take about 6  weeks with the hydroquinone but you will be very pleased with the results (if and only if you also wear a VERY HIGH factor sunblock  and wear a hat in bright sunshine)

Let me know if you try it  and how you get on.
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thank you doctor. can you buy hydroquinone from local pharmacy shops?
iv tried bio oil and lemon juice. wil these work in time?
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One more thing, you must wear a very high factor sunscreen also as the sun can still win the battle over hydroquinone if you don't.
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You don't have to keep your freckles if you don't want to.
You could start by blitzing them with a procedure called IPL which costs about $300 and does help to get rid of them quickly.
Otherwise you can use a cream with hydroquinone in it. (I would suggest 4% for the quickest results) This inhibits melanin production and will clear your freckles in about 6 weeks.
You can get a dermatologist to prescribe this or with all the online pharmacies now you can get it very easily without a prescription in many cases. Good Luck!
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You must be a redhead. Melanin gives the dark color to the skin. When little groups of melanin cells bunch together a freckle is made.  UV rays in sunlight make the spots darker and since redheads usually have rather white skin, they show up more that on other people.  Once you have a freckle, you have it forever.  It was once thought that lemon juice would make them fade, but it doesn't.  Some have tried skin dyes or lighteners, or other acids, but none have worked.  Laser treatments and skin bleaches are used in the doctor's offices, but they are expensive, painful and temporary.  Other than makeup to cover them, there is not treatment that actually works to get rid of freckles.  To prevent more freckles, you can use a UV sunblock made for both UVA and UVB at around 30.  You can wear a hat to shade the face, and you can use a good lotion with alpha hydroxy acid in it.  Otherwise you can learn to love yourself just like you are.  That's the toughest thing of all.  goodluck
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which sunscreen should i wear, i only wear spf 15
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thanx 4 your help. some peoples look nice but mine dont. i have them on my eyelids too. i do wear spf moisturizer, but i cudnt go out with it on cus my skin looks oily n shiney wiv it on. i have to put make up on everytime i go out n i hate wearing it.so now i dont go out now. i did try lemon juice n i think it faded them a tiny bit. i mainly wana get em off my eyelids and forhead.
with acne i did have it a few years ago bad and antibiotics cleared itt up. but its come bak, its bin bad for bout 8 months or so. im on antibiotics but they arent working n the doctors says theres nothin else he can do. n im using that freedom gel but it just drys my skin.iv tried other stuff that dusnt work, and i always make sure my face is clean.

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I'm sorry you hate your freckles, I love mine. If you want to reduce their appearance, use a sunscreen moisturizer everyday. When I go out in the sun, my freckles darken, and I get more, even in just a few hours. As far as the acne, it depends on the type as to what you should do. Have you been to a dermatologist? If it is just regular zits, you may try stopping the over the counter acne washes and treatments. I know this sounds counterintuitive, but bear with me. This is from personal experience. I was into my 20's and still having constant breakouts. I treated my skinn as oily, with products like oxy pads, and astringent, as well as acne washes aimed at drying the skin. When we moved to a new house, I lostt all my acne stuff in the shuffle, and had to use regular face wash for a couple of weeks. My acne began to clear up. I had been overdrying my skin, and had caused a vicious cycle of making my face think it needed more oil. I permanently switched to adult face products that were for "normal" skin. Now if I get a zit, I just spot treat it, and leave the rest of my face alone. Hope this helps. BTW, I use oil of olay foaming face wash, and their blue bottle of toner. I only use the toner if my skin feels too oily.
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