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gas heater problem?

It's come to my attention lately that my allergies may be complicated by the old propane floor heaters in the house.  I found an interesting site about that: (sorry I can't make the link work)


My question is, what is the best form of heat.  The above website says that people with chemical allergies are irritated by the chemicals in gas residue.  Maybe so! because as soon as we bring the heaters in and hook them up, I get sick!  I realize that there's a link between the mountain cedar and the time of year, but it also may have something to do with the gas!

Any suggestions?   We don't have a lot of money, I live in an old home, and I can't afford to go build a new home, or we wouldn't be having this problem.  But I may try electric heaters.
3 Responses
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179332 tn?1273247359
could you purchase a pellet stove? or wood burning stove? I am assuming you don't have
gas hookup to your home?  if you do - a gas fireplace with ceramic glass front and a blower attached would really heat up the place!!
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Sure, we have gas hookups.  Its the gas stoves that may be making my problems worse.  I am considering switching to electric or radiators, to eliminate the gas fumes from the unvented stoves.
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179332 tn?1273247359
can you vent the stoves? we have a traditional gas forced air furnace and installed a new direct vent gas fireplace in the main room in our house.  I never thougt that adding the fireplace would generate THAT much heat but, it does and without fumes!!  we bought the ceramic glass which allows heat to permeate the room. We did not add a blower which would blow the air even more...we have a 2000 sq foot ranch home and the fireplace on low raises the temp in the house 2-3 degrees without the furnace having to kick on!!  There are fumes when you have to run the fireplace on high when new - to burn off the assembly oils and paint...other then that - it scares me that you have unveted propane heaters!!!  that does cause a build up and can cause carbon monoxide posioning. We use a propane heater in the garage when my husband does woodworking and it's cold out - I can't go out there because even with the garage door cracked to bring in fresh air - the fumes overwhelm me and I get sick!!   the best form of heat is hot water heat (like the radiator) ... Keep me posted....

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