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hives problem

hi..good day..i wanna asked..since college i noticed that i have something in my back that is sometimes itchy, in my chest also.i ignored it but today i don't really understand..i am working now, since we had an outing last march this year when i got home my left part of my back and even my whole chest is aching it got swollen and i'm even afraid to my breast, my hives are all gone..i went to my the doctor, and they see nothing.. i just wondered why until now i can't breath properly, as i walked and move i feel like lacking of air in my body..what can u say about my problem and what can i do to make my breathing flow properly..? is it because of i have allergy? i really cant believe until now that i have allergy? is it really i have?or there is another problem of me? doctors here can't see my  problems why i can't breath properly, they say it is only a stress..thats all godbless..hoping for your answer
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How are you? Are there other symptoms present? What diagnostic tests were done in the past? Allergic reactions, which may manifest as hives or pruritic rash, may occur whenever the allergen or trigger is present. This means that such symptoms or reactions can recur every time the allergen is present. Sometimes, difficulty of breathing may also occur when the soft tissue in the throat swells as part of the allergic reaction.  This warrants immediate medical attention to make sure that anaphylactic reaction is not present. Antihistamine medication and avoidance of triggers may help. Allergy tests may also be indicated to help identify the possible triggers. If the symptoms persist, it is best that you check with your doctor for proper evaluation. Take care and do keep us posted.
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good day..thanks for the comment ma'am, sometimes im ok but sometimes not..but now im already immune on how i breath even if it is hard for quite a while.. my doctor said that i must avoid chocolates and etc. i already controlled myself eating those kind of foods... im working with a place with a lots of papers, steel cabinets, dust...so maybe it came from there..by the way i always had a running nose, cough for sometimes..about my hives my doctors gave me an ointment for now they are all gone but my breathing problem is still there..i had gone lots of tests like blood test, urinalysis, ecg, throat xray, breast examine, the doctors saw nothing..when i get tired everyday that the time i cant breath properly.. when i walked to far, then thats also the time i cant breath properly..for today and everyday, i took up medicines ceecon and dolo-neurobion for my nerves..what can you advice for me to have my proper breathing? exercise can help and rest??thank you and hope to reply on my comments..more powers
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1743512 tn?1311214059
I often get hives when I'm really nervous, I also have breathing problems when I have anxiety attacks. I take Xanax to help with my panic attacks- It helps calm me down and steady my breathing. I only take it when I know I'm going to be near a stresser. I'm not sure if this helps, but I hope you feel better soon
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How are you? It is good  that the diagnostic tests were all normal. Were you able to see a pulmunologist or specialist for the lung and breathing? Prolonged running nose may also suggest allergic rhinitis and you may need to take antihistamine medications especially if you encounter the trigger regularly. Eating a healthy diet, regular exercise and drinking plenty of fluids may help. A journal where you keep track of the possible triggers may also help so that you could avoid them in the future. Take care always and hope to hear from you soon.
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hi..i do have an anxiety attacks, sometimes i feel like my heart jumps away from me..it pumps so fast.. is Xanax a tablet? does it has a big dosage?? thank you so much! in some way i feel so stressed often..
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hello.. i forgot to tell you that my doctor here said that i do have an allergic rhinitis.. she gave a nasal spray and a tablet to take. however, i already finished taking my medicine.. i'm just wondering why i cant breath properly for quite sometime.. i haven't go to any pulmonary doctor.. i really want to be okay.. esp. on how i breath.. i really want to know my problem, where it came from..? so that i will know what will i do for myself.. yes everyday i ate healthy foods and i do have a healthy lifestyle. thank you and hoping for your reply.
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1743512 tn?1311214059
Yes Xanax is a tablet, and it has a cheaper generic version called alprazolam, and it comes in a variety of dosages. And if you want something lighter you could try Ativan or the generic Lorazepam. I started off on Lorazepam in high school but then moved to alprazolam(xanax) recently. Medicines like this are good at putting you at ease- and eventually you can slowly be weened off of it and in the time of taking the meds you develop a good copeing plan. Thanks to alprazolam I can now be a passenger in a car on the highway and not hyperventilate. You just have to remember to take it one day at a time and understand you'll have to try different kinds of med and varying dosages. If you ever have any questions- just ask me, and hopefully I have an answer (: good luck
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hi.. i must try that one.. hopefully it will take effect to me.. thanks for the advice and i will send you a good news soon.. thanks again..
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Thanks for the updates. If you have history of allergic rhinitis, you may need to identify the trigger or allergen responsible to avoid any recurrences. If the medication prescribed did not help, you may need to inform your doctor about this for proper management. Extended intake of the antihistamine medication may be done also to help with the symptoms. With regards to anxiety, this could also be possible and you may need to ask a prescription from your doctor also. Take care and hope to hear from you soon.
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