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I have had hives since June... they are random but come in large areas like at this current moment all over my back and thighs but sometimes it's arms or stomach etc. I first tried to see if it was different foods or shampoos or lotions and nothing worked so i went to see an allergist, he test me for the like 40 or 50 more common allergic reactions, all came back negative, so he told me it was just stress causing them and told me just to take allegra. Now allegra does work but only if i take 1-2 pills EVERY day, that can't be good, and I just refuse to believe that it's stress, I was stressed to the max in college working two jobs and full time student, actually the past few months have been about the least stressed i've been in awhile... so I just don't know what to do from here, my hives are so bad i'm miserable, can't sleep, can't function, but I can't afford to keep going to allergist that are just going to tell me i'm "stressed"

ANY suggestions?!
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1809109 tn?1331803777
Maybe if you add your list of what your negatives were someone could chime in to other possibilities? Personally I'm allergic to fragrance so anything with it can give me a rash, even if it's on my friend. Laundry powder and soaps are pretty bad with it. Have you tried switching powders?
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Understand your predicament. Sometimes environmental triggers like change of weather, temperature or diurnal variations can trigger attacks. It can sometimes be water change also. Though nothing much can be done about environmental triggers, being aware will help to avoid the same. So, watch out for these.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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