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hookah allergy?

About 2 weeks ago I had an allergic reaction where my cheek and my lips swelled up. Then about a week and a hlaf later my tongue swelled up in the middle of the night. The doctor said it may be hookah smoke. I have smoked hookah on and off for about 2 years and never had any problems before now. I work in a hookah bar. since the last reaction i havent smoked hookah but have been handling it and being around it being smoked. Is it possible that it still is the hookah im allergic too? Or could it be some sort of throat virus that the hookah agrivated that gave me the reaction?
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1115551 tn?1292093976
Hookah smoking might be considered a less dangerous form of smoking than the traditional smoking.
it involves the cooling of smoke, and this tends to remin longer in the lungs. Still, it contains toxins, carcinogenic metals, which are deposited in lung tissue. What I think is that you have been on and off, and probably cause you have not smoked it in a while, your body probably 'sees' the toxic substances as foreign and immune defence mechanisms are activated against these substances, resulting in swollen lips.

It will be healthy for you to stop hookah smoking, cause it doesn't reduce the probability of lung cancer.And perhaps, see a physician.
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1343146 tn?1279330643
Its possible to build up allergies after repeated exposure to certain things.  If youve been smoking it for 2 years, it is possible that you have now developed an allergy to it.  I would listen to your doctor and steer clear of having the pipe in your mouth.  You may not be allergic to smelling it, but directly inhaling it could be your problem.  If you still have concerns, ask for a second opinion from another doctor.
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So here I am over a year later. I have been diagnosed with a severe vitamin d deficiency and have been on a routine zurtec for over a year. Before the vitamin d diagnosis I would stop taking the zurtec for a couple days and have allergic reactions on my hands and feet but never in the mouth. I haven't smoked hookah in over a year now and I was wondering could it be that the lack of vitamin d and my poor eating habits could have caused my body to recognize everyday events and contacts as a toxin and freaked out? Is it possible that a sever deficiency like that could cause random allergies?
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