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how do i know if i am allergic to Guaifenesin?

well Guaifenesin is in robitussin? and i need to know if i am allergic to Guaifenesin because i need to know if i am allergic to robitussin. one more question, what does the word robitussin come from? im sorry i just have to know everything about the medicine before i consume any.
4 Responses
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179332 tn?1273247359
Guaifenesin is a mucus thinner. Although I believe it would be rare to be allergic to it - they do sell Mucinex which is JUST Guaifenesin - you could take that and see if you react. I have severe allergies and have been taking Guaifenesin for almost 13 years or more - I used to have an RX for it but, you can now buy the large bottle of it at Costco for cheap...so, I do that...
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I am allergic to guaifenesin, so just because others are not allergic to it does not mean that you aren't.  I had an anaphylactic reaction to it, so it is no minor allergy.  Please be careful when you are testing yourself for an allergic reaction. Be certain to have someone else there, in case you too should have a serious reaction.
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I may be having a reaction to this too, but it occurred after taking it for 2 weeks and stopped for a few days then started again, then broke out in hives all over my body and am currenlty stuck taking predisone, was yours similiar?

Thanks, Mitch
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I have a bad reaction to it not sure that is an allergy but I cannot take it.
It sent me to the ER once.
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