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intense sinus pressure without congestion??

Is it possible to have intense sinus pressure and not feel "stuffy" or congested?  It has been such a long time since I had a sinus infection and I don't ever remember having this sensation.  My right cheek/sinus cavity(only one side has seemed infected) feels sore and really aches.  I was diagnosed with a sinus infection about 2 weeks ago----was put on an antibiotic which did not help.  Four days ago, I was put on Omnicef.  Granted, I did have lots of congestion and green mucous throughout these past 2 weeks; however, now, I have nothing dripping nor do I feel like anything is clogged "in there"....yet my cheek still throbs in pain occasionally.  Yes, I am on prescription decongestants. Occasionally I will still cough up some mucous from my chest.   Any suggestions for relief from only the pressure I feel in my face?  Ibuprofrin is not really helping.
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You could be suffering from chronic sinusitis - which explains the symptoms taht you are having. only acute sinusitis would have a feeling of stuffiness or being congested.

What medications are you on currently? What is your age? Has a CT scan of your sinuses been done? Do you have any symptoms of post nasal drip or associated cough too?

Have you taken antihistmaine or antiallergic medications like loratadine for your symptoms? Have they helped?

You should try some steam inhalation, saline nasal drops and see if it helps with your symptoms.

If your symptoms still persist, it would be best to consult an ENT specialist for your symptoms.

Let us know if you have any other doubts and post us about how you are doing.

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Thank you so much for responding!  I am on Lusonex Plus and Omnicef 4 days now. I doubt this has anything to do with the sinuses but just to let you know of my recent changes in medications,I was put on Lexapro(10 ml) and Vyvance(50ml) for ADD comorid with mild depression about 2 weeks ago. I am 34.....female.  No CT scan of sinuses yet----what would that reveal?  Do I need one or at one point should I get one?  I have always had allergy problems----not too severe though in my adult life.  Took allergy shots in highschool for a year and 1/2 b/c of mold/grass/etc. allergies.  Family history of BAD allergies. Had bronchitis/asthma as a child/young adult atleast twice a year...sometimes more.  No major post nasal drip though i do smell that "sick breath" from time to time right now.  An occasional cough too with phelm.  

Can chronic Sinusitis be taken care of with antibiotics?

Will definatly try some steam inhalations...saline nasal drops.  Would hot or cold compresses help?  

Thanks again---I am so happy to have found this website.  I will be sure to spread the word to everyone I know how helpful this is!!!

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Glad to know that the post was of some help and thank you for your kind and encouraging words.

The CT scan would help to rule out sinusitis, and in case there is siunusitis it would tell us about the extent of involvement.

A course of antibiotics, steroid nasal sprays, oral antihistmaine and decongestants would help with your symptoms.

You should avoid exposure to substances that you have known allergies to.

Let us know whether the steam inhalation nad saline nasal drops helped.

Also keep us posted about how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.

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