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holly allergy

i was pricked by a holly leaf and still have flareups of hot red itchy rash 4 years later. is that normal?
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

It’s unlikely that allergic responses can persist for this long. Only repeated exposure can cause flare ups of allergic symptoms. The allergen could be from another source like food, some medications or sometimes environmental changes. Maintain a diary and note down your symptoms. This will help to narrow down the search and avoid the same. Alternatively an allergy specialist can help to confirm the diagnosis. He can even help to desensitize you.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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1530171 tn?1448129593

**** stands for pricked without the ed!
I just love these automated omissions.
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hi ladybug1379.
Welcome to the forum.

Do you consume anything with caffeine in it?
If the answer is yes, then it is likely, that the caffeine
in the holly leaf through the *****( the body senses through small ranges of frequencies and each substance has a specific frequency)
had been retained in cellular memory as  invasive , thus consumption of drinks or foods containing caffeine may act as a trigger , instigating a similar allergic response to the original event.

Clearing the allergic response, should this suspicion be indeed the cause,
is a matter of  balancing the body’s energy in relationship to that substance, using an Allergy Elimination Therapy called "Allergy Antidotes"
or another one called NAET (Dr.Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques), both similar methods of drug-free Allergy Elimination.

Look up Practitioners or Holistic Doctors trained in either one of these methods, in your area.
Hope this helps.
If you need more details post again or pm me directly.
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