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is it possible to outgrow an allergy through self- immunotherapy?

I am 20years old and have lived in the same neighborhood my whole life. I never suffered from allergies or any other nonsense growing up, but when I turned 18 I experienced my first severe allergic reaction (hives throughout the body and swelling of the hands accompanied by "seasonal asthma"). Allergy testing (skin test) revealed that I am allergic to grass and tree pollen. You can imagine the blow this was to an aspiring environmental scientist. Anywho two years later and I am trying to make spring my favorite season once again. I want to try immunotherapy but I don't have the time to commit myself to the shots and am not sure I am comfortable with sublingual therapy. So I've decided to expose myself to the allergens (walking through the park for as long as I can take it) as a form of self-immunotherapy. Can I dimish my sensitivity to allergens this way? I'm dying to enjoy the outdoors, running, and gardening again!
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I dont know much about imminitherapy but i do know that thats normal to all of a sudden have allergies where we are not actially born wit allergies ti.amuthing its something oir body produces after.birth at any given time. One day u could be eating peanuts next day on our death bed feom.a allergic reaction. Its crazy but i hope u find aomething that helps ur aymptoms.symptoms good luck
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Please don't try to do therapy by yourself. As some allergic reactions can be life threatening. In immunotherapy diluted doses are injected with monitoring and only gradually is the dose increased if no symptoms are present. This is scientific therapy, which is regulated according to the patients response. So, consult an allergy specialist regarding this, he will guide you appropriately.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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