391475 tn?1230298201

itching everywhere

Hi everyone,
I am new here... however, I have had what appears to be an undiagnosable medical condition for almost 7 years.  

I have been to every doctor known to man and had every test available that anyone can thing of... but to no avail... the thought is that I am allergic to wheat and dairy.

But let me start at the beganning

I am 28 years old.. after I graduated from college... I began being chronically itchy.  Everywhere On my entire body and it was to the point where I was creating huge welts over my entire body.  We went to a spa and saw the medical staff there had many tests done and i was told to put a steriod cream all over my body and cover it with vasoline.  As well as that i was allergic to egg dairy citrus and wheat products.

I moved to Boston for  3 years and over 3 years there I was tested again by allergist and doctors etc. Who told me I was wrongly diagnoses with food allergies, had colonoscopies etc.  I started eating again etc.

Earlier this year I was again diagnosed with dairy and wheat allergies (not gluten just wheat).  I have been trying as hard as i can to follow the diet and rarley eat things I am not supposed (however I only get like itchy and gastro problems when I eat them) which is not fun but better than anaphalaxis

anyway... on monday I woke up with what I thought was pink eye,. got drops... and the next day my entire body was more itchy than normal... and parts that are never itchy my head and face etc.   I called the doctor and he told me to stop the drops as it seems I am again having an allergic reacation.  Today on my drive home I found a like red dot that feels like (i didn't touch but in terms of in my eye) a sty but on my eye rather than the lid... I was told to put compresses on it by an eye doctor and see him if it is not better in the morning. HOwever, i continue to be REALLY itchy... any idea what any of this means. I beganning to think I am a medical mystery and should be checked out by the entire world... I haven't eaten anything I should, used anything new product wise etc. since saturday.
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563773 tn?1374246539


How are you?

I am sorry for what has happened. But don’t loose heart. To every problem, there is a solution.

I think that you are having Cross-reactivity. It is the occurrence of allergic reactions to foods that are chemically or otherwise related to foods known to cause allergy in an individual.

Wheat contains thiamine (which is also found in Pork, beef, liver, legumes, nuts), riboflavin (also found in Milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, meat, leafy green vegetables), niacin (also in Meat, peanuts, legumes),iron(in Red meat, fish, poultry, shellfish, legumes, dried fruits) and folic acid in fortified wheat(also in Liver, green and leafy vegetables, lentils, oranges) in addition to carbohydrates and proteins.

It maybe that you are allergic to any of these constituents of wheat and taking these constituents in any other form is causing you an allergic reaction.

Pls consult an allergy specialist and get allergy tests like skin ***** test or blood tests like RAST done to find out the specific allergen and then treatment will depend on the same.

Take care and do keep us posted on how you are doing.

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The only thing I can suggest is to get blood tests taken. I'm sure you already have. See if your liver functions are normal. I have liver disease and anytime I do anything even slightly harmful to my liver, I itch horribly around my legs, crotch, arms, armpits, around the waste and neck and back. I get a barely noticeable rash in these areas but it iches like hell. It's so bad, I cannot even sleep at night. It takes me weeks to get rid of it by drinking tons of water and using antifungal powder sprays. It ***** to be so young and have this problem. If it isn't your liver, maybe its your shampoo or detergent. I have to wash my body and hair with Dr. Bronner's Hemp Peppermint Pure-Castille Soap bar. Dr. Bronner's liquid soap does not work for me. The bar of soap is the only thing on this planet that doesn't make me break out in hives.
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