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itchy blisters

I'm having small very itchy blisters on my arms, chest and shoulders. I scratch them until they bleed. What is this??
Best Answer
1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, some causes for itchy pimples are folliculitis, fungal infection, acne or allergy.

Acne usually develops due to increased sebum production. Use mild skin cleanser and warm (not hot) water. Skin cleansers should be slightly acidic and intended for the face (rather than the body).

It needs to be differentiated from infectious folliculitis (secondary to infection) as skin is enriched with hair follicles. It may be due to bacteria like staphylococcus, streptococcus etc. Other possibilities are fungal infection (tenia barbae) or irritant dermatitis etc.

Picking or squeezing lesions should be avoided as this may worsen lesions and cause inflammation and scarring as your hands are prime source of infection. Moisturizers and Sun protection will help protect the skin.  

Allergic manifestations can be managed by anti histamines and corticosteroids. Take consultation from a dermatologist. Take care and regards.
3 Responses
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1548028 tn?1324612446
Have you ever had chicken pox?  Do they scab over and get crusty?  Do they spread?  Clear fluid blisters or are they just raised areas?
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1563533 tn?1345366296
This could be anything from poison ivy, to chicken pox.   See your MD you could be contagious.
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