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Lately I've been so itchy all over my body. Especially at night no one in the family has this problem when I scratch i get hives please help me its driving me crazy!
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I was having similar symptoms earlier this season.  Mainly my face itched, but sometimes I was itchy everywhere.  I never had hives though.  My allergist told me to take some Zyrtec when I was having the problem in addition to my prescription antihisitmine.  It took forever to work, but it did.  I then tried Benadryl which work very fast for me.  

One of the nurses at my allergist and a few friends have experienced the same thing.  Their thoughts are that is it a pollen allergy.  My symptoms were when pollen counts were soaring in the high catgory, especially oak pollen where I live.  Also, I would be fine if I stayed indoors for the whole day, but if I went outside for anything even for just a few seconds...

Feel better.
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351246 tn?1379682132
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This looks like urticaria or hives. Urticaria is usually triggered by allergens, such as drugs, foods, insect bites, inhaled substances, in response to sunlight, cold, heat, stress, exercise, or a viral infection. Other common allergens are pollen, mold, dust, pet dander, or cosmetics. Since you experienced an itch, just go over these possibilities in your mind. Something may strike you. In many cases, hives clear up themselves and don’t require diagnosis or treatment. However if they persists you may need to see a specialist called an allergist to determine what is causing the reaction. You will be surprised to know the bacteria responsible for GERD, heart burn, acid reflux etc called Helicobacter Pylori or H pylori can cause hives. Antibiotics given to clear up the bacteria also  of the hives. So if you have any gastric issues then get this investigated. It could also be gall bladder issues. Very dry skin can also cause this. Applying a moisturizer and using only soaps that are gentle on the skin is helpful in this case. Menopause is another reason for this. Low estrogens are supposed to be the cause. Try a diet rich in estrogens. Hormone replacement therapy can also help a few.
It is difficult to comment beyond this at this stage.  Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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