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latex allergy??????

i didnt show signs of the reaction until two days AFTER i had SEXUAL INTERCOURSE.  This consisted of irritation on the vulva, a patch of fluid filled bumps underneath my left eyebrow (which went away the next morning), And swelling of my (FACE) lips(right where they meet together) I also experience chills which made goosebumps all over my body.And on my left bottom eyelid there were little pus spots that made a linear pattern along the eyelid. no bilsters, but i did have three bumps on my vaginal lips. Could this be herpes or an allergic reaction to latex. this confuses me b/c i've never had any bumps down there before also  i've never had an allergic reaction to any thing, that i know of
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It could be allergic contact dermatitis , but as i said in my previous post nothing can be said with surety without having a look at the lesions and without a proper clinical examination.

It could be any bacterial skin infection most probably, if it is infective that is.

You should not delay in consulting your physician at the earliest so that proper medications can be prescribed.

Let us know how you are doing and what your doctor tells you.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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Thanks for the advice ,
But could it be allergic contact dermatitis which doesn't always occur right after exposure, and if not what kind of infection causes these exact symptoms
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This could be an allergic reaction or it could also be signs of infection. The chances that this is allergic are less because as you mention two days have passed since the exposure.

It would be advisable to keep the areas clean and consult your physician at the earliest.

A proper clinical examination is required for the confirmed diagnosis.

Let us know what your doctor advises and keep us posted on how you are doing.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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