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lubriderm reaction

What does the lotion "Lubriderm" contain that would cause an allergic reaction- redness swelling of hands & face- even palms?  I am confident that this was from the Lubriderm as I wiped off an excess of the lotion on the side of my cheek and my cheek was red and swelling.  My hands were worse as I had applied double the lotion when I started to itch -I thought it dryness due to the cold.

I have taken benadryl, the swellingof my face has ceased but my hands are red and blown up like a baloon and terribly itchy.

have you heard of this before with Lubriderm?
26 Responses
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My doctor was having me use Lubriderm for atopic dermatitis. I had HORRIBLE reactions but did not realize it was from the Lubriderm. I did not figure this out for nearly 3 years. I finally went to a different dermatologist who told me to STOP EVERYTHING. I was healed up in a month. My reactions to Lubriderm included hives, puffiness, blisters, cellulitis, and faintness. One morning I was dry heaving. That was when I was referred to a research dermatologist who had the answer.
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I’ve been using fragrance free Lubriderm on my hands and arms every day for a while and now I have tons of hives on both of my palms and a good amount on both of my arms. It’s EXTREMELY itchy and some spots are raw and bleed, I’m so upset. I can’t even sleep or think straight most of the time and my hands look like I’m turning into a zombie. I’m glad I found this community, gotta just heal up now.
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Hey there. I used lubriderm for years. I just read something that it has some maybe parafin in it? I"m trying to remember. I think some people get rashes from it. I never did. How long were you using the lubriderm before getting the hives?
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