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my baby's reaction to amoxicillin

My ten month old has had the flu this week and was previously treated for an ear in fection last week with amoxicillin.  After taking it for ten days he woke up today with a horrible break out all over his little face and body.  After meeting our doctor at the office on a sat, he seemed to think it was a reaction.  We have one dose of benydryl in, but it has actually worsened and spread since this afternnon.  It looks horrific!  Are there any serious concerns I should have now or does it just look awful until it clears up?
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I have a 10 month old that just started taking Amoxicillin about 6 days ago and since hes taken it, he has the worse diaper rash. Nothing I do makes it better, it just will not go away. Im wondering if this a allergic reaction. He did have a few bumps on his neck and cheek but I didnt think anything of it. Now, reading the posts..it seems as if he does have an allergic reaction to it. Now, I have been reading about it and everything says to not take him off of Amoxicillin because then the bacteria could spread. What should i do?
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my two year old son took amox 3days ago. today i saw rashes on his legs and arms. what first aid should i do?
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Wow, this sounds like a really common problem. Our 7 month old was put on Amoxicillin just over a week ago for an ear infection. Then yesterday we noticed he had a bumpy red rash from head to toe. We took him to ER and the doc said it's a reaction to the medication (duh). So he said to stop the Amoxicillin and give him Benadryl as needed if he seems uncomfortable. Our son did not have any respiratory symptoms, just this crazy rash all over his body! My question is, how long does this rash usually last? And will it go away faster if I give him Benadryl. It doesn't seem to bother him at all, so I don't want to drug him if I don't have to. This morning it looks pretty much the same as last night, no worse though, but I expected it to be looking better by now since his last dose was yesterday morning?
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I am going through a similar issue with my 1 year old.  She was first was diagnosed with strep throat and took the full dose of Amox for 10 days without any reaction, three weeks ago.  Then, last week, she was diagnosed with an ear infection & the dr. prescribed Amox/Clavulanate for 7 days.  After 4 days, she broke out into a nasty, bumpy rash all over her face, behind her ears and scalp.  I immediately called the dr, but being a Sunday did not answer my call.  However, I made the executive decision to stop the antibiotic just in case it was a reaction to the medicine.  I finally spoke to the dr. on Monday and she immediately asked me to take her in & asked me to stop the meds and administer Benadryl instead.  Within the day, the rash had gotten worse.  The dr. prescribed Desonide Cream 0.05%, 2x daily on the affected area & an ear drop to treat her infection.  We started on Monday; it is now Wednesday & while some areas have gotten better (behind her ears especially), the face is still very affected by the rash.  I'm also giving her Benadryl 2x daily.  I just wonder how much longer we should wait before visiting the dr again or the ER?  
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My 17 month old daughter had an ear infection. 3 days after the amoxicillin she had hives all over her torso and around her mouth. I took her to the doctors and they said it was allergic reaction, 3 days later and 4 days after stopping the medicine it was still there. took her back and had 4 vials of blood taken on 2 seperatre days.. tests came back no allergy from the medicine. i was told that the penicillin can trigger other allergens to come out. it has been 2 weeks and now finally breaking up. i was told zyrtec at night and hydrocortisone all over body and face. we have to see an allergy specialist to determine what the allergy is. i have been told by numerous people that same situations occur, sometimes it never happens again, and some people state they have severe food allergies.
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Hey again,
Just thought I'd post an update -- Sullivan's almost clear of his rash now, thank goodness! I gave him Benadryl as recommended by the ER doc (note - the dosage was as instructed by the pharmacist, as the instructions on the box are for hayfever type symptoms -- she assured me that the higher dose for an allergic reaction is safe and necessary). We gave him 1 tsp Benadryl every 6 hours starting Monday morning, till Tues morning when we saw our family doc and she said it was okay to stop. The rash got gradually better, and now is no longer red, although I can still feel tiny bumps when I run my hand over his skin. And KBMOM, just so you know, his face was the last area to show improvement. Thankfully the ear is clear, so no further antibiotics needed to be prescribed. I see the light at the end of the tunnel! :)
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