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my lips

Last july I started noticing little bumps on the edges of my lips. They woud always feel chapped and get irritated. I went to the Dr and was sent to a dermatologist. I was told that they were just glands that got irritated and to try some allergy medicine. It has been over 6 months and it comes and goes. The bumbs ae always there but they bother me all the time. Sometimes even burn. I stay away from spacy foods now and am almost afraid to eat. I drink through a straw and only use vaseline sparingly on my lips now. All the Dr's tell me there is nothing wrong, it is common for people with "full" lips. I'm not very comfortable with that because I feel them all the time and it affects my day to day living.  I've noticed them to bother me more during menstration... what can I do besides lay back and take it....
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Did you ever get any treatment?  Did your symptoms come and go?
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I was having the same problems you all described. It started out a few years ago where every now and then I would get little tiny bumps on my lips and it would go away. The last year I had 2 very bad episodes where I got the tiny bumps, then they would go away and my lips would become very red and swollen, sometimes I would have red dots, and then every night and morning they would just peel and peel. It was painful and VERY embarrassing. I saw many doctors and they just kept saying it was a contact allergy to a lip product or food or toothpaste, etc. I tried to figure it out and logged everything but nothing ever made sense. I just had a bad episode last week and went to a new dermatologist. He did a biopsy of my lip and the results came back as GLANDULAR CHELITIS. This is a rare disorder (not as rare as docs think when I see how many people are having problems with the same symptoms) Anyway, I have used nothing on my lips except vaseline twice a day for 10 days now and so far I have been good. I am going back to see my doc in 2 weeks to try and come up with a treatment plan as there are no specific treatments. He even send my results to the mayo clinic. This is a very scary and frustrating thing. I am hoping to be able to learn how to keep it under control. My best advice to you all is to see a doc and have a biopsy (I know that sounds awful but it took a second, I had a stitch for a week, and now you cant even tell where it was done). YOU WANT TO RULE OUT CANCER and keep this under watch as constant irritation to the lips can lead to bigger problems. I feel like I am now at least on the road to getting some help...here is my email if any of you need someone to talk to. I know that no one I know understand what I am going through...***@****
****Another tip...TAKE PICTURES...my lips always seemed to be doing different things so I had been taking photos to show the doc!
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Hey you all... I too still have some of the same problems like the peeling lips, swollen lips for about 2 yrs. After doing some strenuous research on the Internet, it seems to me that everyone is experiencing lip eczema. So here's what I found. "Eczema is a Greek word and means " to boil over". It is where skin is inflamed, red, and sore. The skin cracks easily. The use of most commercial lip salves made with Petroleum, liquid Paraffin etc will go a long way to making the lips drier.

Most of the foods we eat, the chemicals and even too much sunlight can have an impact on our body especially if we are not hydrated enough. Basically, what I'm saying is all these things weaken our immune system and that is what causes our lips to be like this.
The skin is the first place to show when we have a toxic overload and it can only do good to make sure the bowels are clean and working efficiently to help clear the Eczema up ASAP. If you still don't understand keep on reading!

Your body is equipped to handle some amount of detoxification on its own but problems occur when there is an overload of toxins due to increased acidity. Your organs like your liver, kidney and colon start to slow down. This is when toxins start to show up on your skin, manifesting into a condition called Eczema.

So, in order for your skin (outward appearance) to heal, you must give your body a chance to remove the excess waste and to repair itself. For an eczema condition, you would need to detoxify your body, correct vitamin and mineral deficiencies and restore healthy digestion.

Thank you for reading this, I hope that I can help myself and as many people suffering from this annoying condition.

The site below is a great site for lip eczema..Check it out
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I had pre-cancer on my lower lip and had the freezing and then the laser treatments, but it has returned. They have me on a cream one week on/off. I think that this cream has caused my upper lip to have these fordyce spots. I think that the dermatologist who recommended nothing on the lips is probably right. I think that my upper lip is having a reaction to the lower lip. I have an appointment in October with my derm to see exactly what is going on.They also have me on SPF all the time. I am thinking that between the two my poor lips (not dry) are too moist all the time!! :(. I would highly recommend a derm........just in case it is pre-cancer!! Check out pictures on the web to see what may be closer to what you have.
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I have had this in the past, but seldom do anymore.  I have been told it is angular chelitis or perioral dermatitis or lipstick dermatitis or a new form of cold sores.  My dermatologist told me to never pluck or shave hairs around the corners of my mouth where the oil membranes are more tender.  I take lowest dose vitamin B2 for about three days and then a complete B vitamin for a week and it usually goes away.  I do have to eat right however.  A lot of people have this nowdays.
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I just wrote in today about the same thing. I am a 48 year old female and have the same problem. It happens randomly. It feels like a severe case of chapped lips. There are little bumps around the lips and they itch, burn and hurt. I have redness all around my lips also. It looks hidous.  I had this happen to me almost two years ago and then it cleared up on its own. Now it is back again. It's nice to know I'm not the only one. Good luck.
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