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my nose is really stuffy

My nose is really stuffy and i'm about to go to sleep. I can never sleep when i can't breathe through my nose. Is there a way that i can open up my nose before i go to sleep?
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Hello purplegreen1234,
I have a stuffy nose sometimes too at night. I use a product called Congestion Relief by a company called " hydraSense. This product is
very helpful in relieving my congestion. The great thing about this product is that it is safe for long-term use with no rebound effect. It also has no chemical additives. It's actually 100% natural source seawater.  It's much
better than Dristan , for example, which I've heard can be somewhat addictive. I've also heard that Dristan can have a rebound effect which one
definitely doesn't want when you have a stuffed nose. Try hydraSense
Congestion Relief. I really find it effective.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

To open up the congested nose you can use OTC nasal decongestants. Sometimes saline nasal drops also help. And try to sleep on your side as this keeps the airways patent. If its a chronic problem check with your doctor to rule out the cause.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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