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national jewish

Thank you for your response to the question regarding exercise and hives.  My 34 year old brother had been diagnosed with exerc induced allergies 9 years ago.  He passed away this summer after an intense allergic reaction which led to anaphylaxia.  Sadly, many doctors that he met with over the years passed this illness off as not life threatening and did not educate him well on the illness.  

Do you if over heating can trigger these reactions?  i.e. mowing the yard in high temperatures, sitting in a hot tub, or simply sitting outside in hot temperatures....

thank you

This discussion is related to Unknown swelling on skin.
2 Responses
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It is possible that exercise induced allergies are aggravated due to heat. It is possible that a person may have a reaction to heat, this may be something called as "cholinergic urticaria" or "dysautonomia". You must talk to your doctor if you think its the heat which causes it. A firm diagnosis is essential specially in light of the unfortunate loss of your brother.

Hope this helped. Let us know if you may have any other queries and keep us posted on your health.

Best regards
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Please I have been experiencing nagging cough severely at nights and sometimes during the day.Sometimes it is associated with sputum in my blood. I have taken x-ray and skin test TB test but the results were ok. Please what could this be
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