1632539 tn?1456276618


My Eye and nose has been twitching and crawling. I think it may be due to the tree pollen and mold due to all the rain. but I also have Anxiety. so I am not sure what to blame it on. Please send me some answers if you have had any of this.

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1632539 tn?1456276618
Thanks so much for your help, my eye has stopped for now. However, it seems to happen when the weather changes and my nose is running, burning and eyes watering. I have also noticed that sometimes when stressed I get a twitch . I am going the have some blood work done for the Vit Def . I do have low Calcium and Vit D and Magnesium.

I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to help me!


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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, the incidence of eye and nose twitches is quite common. The possibilities of twitching are eye conditions like lack of sleep, excessive eye strain, blepharitis, allergy etc. and other causes are vitamin and minerals deficiencies like hypocalcaemia, vitamin B12 deficiency, excess caffeine intake, hypoglycemia etc.

If uncontrolled twitches, hot compresses on the affected eyelid and nose will help. I suggest you to consult a physician to rule out the cause. As such this would not be a matter of concern and it will disappear over  a time. Take care and regards.
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