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pain after using Neilmed?

I've been using the Neilmed nasal rinse for a few years now after undergoing surgery.
Now when I don't use, I have really runny nose and strong headaches. But when I do use, I have a uncomfortable feeling between my eyebrows. I searched the web and the reasonable explanation is that water remains in the sinuses.
I feel distracted either way throughout the day and it is hard to work with these problems. Is there anyone who has experienced this problem or does anyone have any tips when using these nasal drains especially to remove water after usage?
I called the company and a woman answered a few general questions but then told me she would transfer me, took my name and number and the call ended ..
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You may try a new nasal irrigation product with anti-backflow valves - to avoid backflow contamination and its problems. www.nasalcleanse.com
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Greetings from NeilMed!

Regret the inconvenience caused to you due to abrupt ending of the call. Please do call back and our customer value officers would be willing to help. To avoid this issue, please squeeze the bottle gently while rinsing so that the saline solution doesn't reach near your eye. Also, while rinsing tilt your head downward slightly so that any residual solution automatically flows out.

Please write to us at ***@**** in detail so that we will be able to serve you better.

NeilMed Webmaster
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