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people allergic to people

Has anyone ever heard of people being allergic to people?
Well it is ruining my life and wondered if anyone knew anything
about it.
People have nasel and throat problems within a few min of me coming
in their room/house/business.
People with asthma/breathing problems to begin with will FLARE UP QUICK when around me!
I don't talk to anyone i know about this.....would be embarresed.
need help please!
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        I had this problem of people being allergic to me for the last 14-15 years. I suffered immensely because of it. I suffered professionally. I was in the US then. I went from doctor to doctor, my sister and brother in law are doctors i asked them. I told my parents. No one believed me. I was even put on psychiatric medication, my doctor said it was pschological and no one was coughong because of me.

I had a really strange problem, Not every one was allergic to me some were and some were badly. i really felt guilty inside giving them bad throats and sinus etc when around. Other symptoms they had included stomach ache , head ache. In fact sometimes i could get a sense of it as i myself have sneezed and have severe headaches.They sneezed they coughed. I was supremely embarrassed and sad

I first thought it was my jacket. I changed my jacket, my clothes, my socks, my shoes, my deodrant, my car , my house, my diet nothing worked. I could not control it and it added to my anxiety. Nobody believing me made it worse i was alone and branded a nut. The doctors had not heard of it.
I at a point thought it could be my sweat. But it wasn't either, because when i worked out in the gym the symptoms were not there. I initially thought it was sweat because i would tense up when it happened which coused me to sweat more and then symptoms increased. But this was not a cause either

Some thought it was depression, but i was not depressed. I kept upbeat. I was discriminated against, harrassed and faced hostile situations so on. Life was tough i was facing a losing hostile battle. I was scared to go to work or to college when i joined for an MBA. It was agonizing.

It was really strange. It would start out with someone coughing. It was so strange that it could affect someone even 150ft away if he was allergic. Then i would notice, it would tense me up and worsen the situation. Then more people would get affected more coughs more tension i was by then totally anxious. (This was not an anxiety disorder either as this has an underlying cause its natural to feel tense when u know you are the cause).
I really felt guilty and did not know what to do.

However over time i began to understand the causes better. In my case
the ways to control it were

1) 50% could be controlled by having sound sleep for 9+hrs a day
if i slept less what especially less than 4-5 hrs then my body would be in an elevated stressed state and this would cause i donot what but some thing in my system to produce more adrenaline or i donot know what but it caused the symptoms of people coughing and sneezing around me.

This is one major advice i can give. Sleep more than yuor requirement.

2) 20% meditate and deep breath. Deep breath and try to relax when some one is coughing. Try to disassociate your self and keep calm it helps.

3) 30% is diet and exercise. Check your VLDL cholestrol , shift to vegetarian, eat healthy

So basicallly get your balance back.

The symptoms in my case have not vanished but have GREATLY diminished so that now i can go about normal activity.

It took me 15 years to figure out sleep was an important constituent in my case. So my advice please sleep early, sleep sound and try and relax. Please sleep atleast 9 hrs. Also keep calm meditate and get your balance in life back. get some sun light and exercise cardio and sweat.

This is my advice. Guys and Gals who are affected please try this and tell me if it worked for you.
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  Wait for ur post.
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I think I found an answer...  After all these years, an ENT told me I have a severly deviated septum which reduced the airflow through one of my nostrils. I  took a serious blow to the nose from a bat while playing baseball when I was a kid.  I had no idea it moved my septum.  Over the years it must have gotten worse.  About fifteen years ago I noticed the PATM issue starting.  It has been building since and the last two months have been HELL!  The doctor tells me this is very common and the surgery will alleviate the problem.  

Google it for yourself.  
I'll reply again post-surgery.  I'll know for sure after that.
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Yes, after 20 years of marriage my wife has begun to experience symptoms that we have judged as an allergic reaction to me.  my wife finds it hard to breath if she sits next to me, is in an enclosed space (i.e. car) with me, or places her hands close to her face after having touched me.

We have tried diet changes, different soaps, and different deodorants without success.  This is serious.

I have no solution to report.  I too need help.  My wife went to an allergy specialist who told her allergies to people are not possible.  He doesn't know what he doesn't know.    
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Well if people can be allergic to pollen, then we know for sure that allergies can be transferred by the air. Pollen is only one thing we know about. Don't blame yourself as someone else could be transferring these particles to you and they just happen to affect others.
If I were you I would test things around.
I would take a bath with and wear new cloths while I am not at my place and go again to work. Try to make sure that there is NOTHING else but you that is contributing in that whole thing before you make big conclusions.
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1845521 tn?1318954153
i realize today that this allergic vibe came through my sweat---
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