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Allergic reaction to alcohol

Hi ok im 28 yrs old, not a big drinker but i drink occassionally, the last 2 times i drank beer or alcohol, my face started to burn and swell and became really itchy?  Can someone at this age become allergic to alcohol?
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

It could indicate an allergic reaction. More so if repeated episodes have occurred with consumption of alcohol. Allergic reactions are mediated by IgE antibodies, which are released on exposure to a particular allergen. These in turn activate mast cells and lead to a local response or systemic anaphylaxis. It can occur at anytime. It may help to maintain a food dairy and keep monitoring your symptoms. This will help to narrow the search and avoid them. Further allergic testing may be worth looking into. Here an allergy specialist may confirm the allergic reaction and can further help to desensitize you.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted
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Your question is really interesting. Whataver you`re young or old. The Allergic is our body`s reaction to the food or other things. The Allergic is the warning sigt of our body. Generally most of the people with situation will not have a drink anymore.But if you really want to drink the alcohol but worried about the Allergic you should go to consult the doctor. This kind of situation is rather tough to the doctor. But i think you could try the TCM. Because the TCM cure the proble through the vein, qi and acupoint. Maybe can change the Allergic constitution.
Hope that i help.

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