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hi I am trying to have a baby and I haven't got any results. I was on birth control for 2.5 years cause I thought it was causing me to have mood swings and it was daily as well. and now im off them but I was put on them again but I haven't taken them yet. and I am really wanting to have a baby for quite some while now. I was wondering if you guys can help me on this. I am also 19 years old.
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Hi there,
You should make sure that you have sex during your fertile window. The best time to have sex for conception is one or two days before you ovulate.If you have a 28 day menstrual cycle you are likely to be ovulating around mid-cycle. If you have a short cycle, you could ovulate within days of your period ending while with a long cycle, you could ovulate two weeks after your period has ended. Ovulation predictor kits available in the market can help you detect when you are ovulating. Take a healthy balanced diet and exercise daily. Refrain from smoking and alcohol. In spite of taking all measures you are unable to conceive seek the opinion of a gynecologist. Keep me posted.
Best luck and regards!
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okay thank you for the advice and I will keep you posted.
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I got a question for ya. what does it mean when your period is like 1 week early?
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NVM about that question. it was on time. it just got me a lil scared cause I thought it was early but it wasn't.
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