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puffy, swollen eyes

woke up in the middle of the night with my eyes puffy & swollen -- it's probably some kind of topical allergic reaction... but how do I get the puffiness to subside? I took Claritin at midnight and then some children's benedryl at 4 -- but they are still HUGE
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     Sudden swollen puffy eye lids could be due to allergies, infections or stye or due to an insect bite, but the latter usually does not affect both the eyes. If this has developed gradually kidney disorders and thyroid function should be evaluated. In case of allergic disorders antihistamines like Claritin or Zyrtec can help. It would be better to let it settle on it’s own in a couple of days, but if this is chronic then placing tea bags, cucumber slices, drinking plenty of water, avoiding eye make up are some of the measures to control the situation. Hope this helps. Best.
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Swollen eyes appear to be a sign of inflamed kidneys. I have had a dramatic to less dramatic version of this symptom a number of times since it was first triggered in 2010 (and doctors I saw did not understand it, especially as I had no kidney pain whatsoever accompanying it). (What is happening to the eyes is not a skin condition. It goes deeper.) However, doing extensive research on the internet as well as Chinese medicine linked this state to my kidneys and only very gradual recovery through diet helped me. By this I mean: totally avoiding 'harsh' foods and drinks (acidic/ citrus/ concentrated/ powerful - even including apples, dark green foods, dry crackers, salt, spices, pepper, for example) and instead choosing gentle, more alkaline substances that supposedly enable the kidneys to get the rest they need to heal from the  inflammation that the eyes are mirroring. (I once got lightly swollen eyes the next morning from drinking boiled water from a tin while camping!) Alkaline foods like almonds, millet, avocado, pears, corn, soya (if your thyroid can take it) and chesnuts are very good examples of the foods that saved me and felt cooling. One should avoid concentrated foods and drinks for a good while, if not generally. Coffee and tea, including green/ white tea should, for example, be strictly avoided (as they are dehydrate and aggravate the kidneys) and instead consume watery foods and tepid drinks over the next month to really assist healing and recovery. I sometimes pushed recovery too fast and would fall back a step, consuming something my kidneys were not ready for.. so patience and self-control are the best lessons here for real recovery, if your case is similar to mine. It is quite definitely a sign the kidneys have been given more that they can handle. Even too much water in the initial stage can aggravate. And lastly, Phosphorus, homeopathic treatment, was a 'God-send'. After I discovered Phosphorus in homeopathic medicine, my recovery time and its quality was incredibly sped up. It is no illusion. I used to love very concentrated foods and drinks  (strong coffee/ strong tea/ dark chocolate, red wine, spices, even cinnamon, etc) and just did not drink enough quality, pure water, so I am convinced that this dehydrated my kidneys to the point of inflaming them so. Chemicals, such as with medicines even, as well as highly refined, artificial substances in foods (including xylitol!) really tax them and they can only compensate for so long, before they are tipped over the edge, so to speak, into a damaged state, such as inflammation. A lesson in learning to be gentle with oneself!
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