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red rash feels like sunburn

About 2 weeks ago I noticed my face felt a little tender. It then began to turn red and blister throughout the day. It felt like I was on fire. I took some allergy meds they helped but not much. After about 3 days it was completely gone. This past week I went to the doctor because I felt it starting again. My face turned red but no blisters this time. He has put me on 3 different meds. NONE of which have worked. This rash feel like Im burning like sunburn but it comes and goes. I can feel the burning sensation in other parts of my body but they may or may not turn red. I also swell some with this. I have tried to figure out if Im allergic to something but nothing is adding up. Sometimes it will last a few hours other times maybe half an hour. This is so very STRANGE. Please help if you can!!!
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209987 tn?1451935465
Have you ever had chicken pox?
If so, you may be experiencing shingles, and not an allergic reaction to anything.
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I have had chicken pox as a child this is much different. Shingles tend to be on one side of the body and dont normally come and go as this does, I have had shingles before. It is getting better not nearly as many occurances. I did end up going to the ER because of this. They did not do anything of course other than give me 2 shots and say it was some kind of reaction. Thank you so very much for trying to help me. I really appericiate the comment.
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Did you ever find out what was causing your rash?  I have the same thing; it comes and goes, sometimes itches, sometimes my whole body feels like it is sunburned.  Sometimes the rash is dark red, other times pink, and sometimes no color, just bumps.  It's been going on now for six weeks.  Went to the doctor who said it was not shingles, just a virus that would go away.  But I want to know what it is.
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