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severe allergies and fatigue causing me to feel so depressed?

please someone help! i have been suffering from debilatating allergies/sinus probs, fatigue, and dizziness for about a year now. i do have allergies to mold, dust, milk products, and corn products. my allergy doc says my symptoms are all from allergies, but i have been trying everything 2 avoid the allergens, been getting allergy shots, tried numerous allergy medications, with no help from anything! does anyone else experience this type of thing? i seriously feel like i am getting so depressed. i cant hardly function, let alone enjoy anything. i suffer every single day. please, if anyone has any advice, etc, please let me know.
thanks so much!
142 Responses
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2216310 tn?1340064753
Ya I know about side effects. Some of the crap out there that is suppose to help a person can actually make you sicker. Was on singulaire and it made my asthma symptoms even worse. Sometimes I think medicine is nothing short of a joke. Nothing but a gimmick. You used to watch these old westerns where gypsies were trying to sell these magic potions that were suppose to cure everything. To me it seems like those days are still here only that the gypsies are now wearing whitecoats.  Hang in there bud and only take what you personally think is helping you.
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2216310 tn?1340064753
I know exactly what your going through been there done that. Can't even work anymore because my allergies are so severe. Taking antihistimine and albuterol, also a corticosteroid and nasal sprays, was also on predisone. It is all crap in my opinion. Nothing really has helped me yet. The only thing that half way helps is avoiding the triggers in the first place and sometimes that is impossible when dustmites are practically everywhere and so is mold, it is in a lot of foods we eat in some degree,even if you don't see it on the food it can still be there deep within. Another thing that half way helps me when having breathing difficulties is sitting by a air conditioner full blast. It don't completely make my symptoms go away, but it helps. The harsh truth is there is no cure for allergies or asthma. You have to learn to cope with it the best you can. Everybody is a little different on how they take it. Some people can handle it better than others. Some people it can really get under their skin like me. The depression is so bad some days for me I just want to end it. It can make a person freak out some days when you feel like your breathing through a straw,(the small bar straws)lol. What I am really trying to say is that you have to learn your triggers,how you manage your anxiety levels and depression,keep taking your meds even if you don't think their working,and make a allergy proof room in your house. keep it clean as much as you can from the triggers,and keep it ice cold with a air conditioner for some reason this really does help.
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I too, suffer with head pains, swelling in the nose,ear,head,dizziness, eyes feel swollen and feel like they are bulging,but they are not. Pain in the back of my head & neck. Confusion, foggy feeling, which brings on anxiety, I feel like my brain is suffocating. I have been tested and am allergic to grass, weeds, mold,trees on a high level (have not been tested for food allergies yet).I am really tired of feeling this way, most days I don't feel like doing anything, I want to, but my symptoms take over me. It is so frustrating because nothing helps, not claritin, zyrtec, astelin,  flonase, nasonex, dr.'s. Wish I can wake up one day and feel normal, this has been going on for about 5-6 yrs now:( what are the side effects to zyrtec that u have recently discovered. I would like to know, since that is the one I am using most.  Thanks. Hope we can find something :)
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I didnt realize that there are so many people experencing some of the same symtoms as I am. I have been suffering for the last 4 years, but this year, especially about 4 weeks ago, my symtoms are worse and more intense, I occasionally have headaches, but mainly pressure around my forehead, nose, and cheeks it is making me lightheaded, a floating feeling, fogginess, I have also been experiencing depression and anxiety, sometimes pretty bad! I have been taking zyrtec and sometimes that works and somedays nothing works.. I am fustrated and cant think straight , it is effecting my everyday life, I just cant function properly!! I went to the docter and he gave me anibiotic for a sinus infection!! I have also learned recently that zyrtec can cause alot of serious side effects has anyone else experienced any of these side effects!!  
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I didnt realize that there are so many people experencing some of the same symtoms as I am. I have been suffering for the last 4 years, but this year, especially about 4 weeks ago, my symtoms are worse and more intense, I occasionally have headaches, but mainly pressure around my forehead, nose, and cheeks it is making me lightheaded, a floating feeling, fogginess, I have also been experiencing depression and anxiety, sometimes pretty bad! I have been taking zyrtec and sometimes that works and somedays nothing works.. I am fustrated and cant think straight , it is effecting my everyday life, I just cant function properly!! I went to the docter and he gave me anibiotic for a sinus infection!! I have also learned recently that zyrtec can cause alot of serious side effects has anyone else experienced any of these side effects!!  
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Hi Faith, my name is Bob and I live in Baltimore, MD.  I'm 54 and have been suffering from severe allergies for 2 plus years now.  The third year just hit me this spring.  My allergies are debillitating; severe headaches and fatigue, and yes it affects my job performance.

I like to exercise but am unable to do so because I'm so fatigued all of the time.  I've been taking sublingual drops (as opposed to weekly shots) every day, but so far I've gotten no relief.  My quality of life, frankly, for 10 months out of the year is miserable.

I've recently started homeopathic rememdies from an Indian doctor, but so far no relief.  I've had very depressing thoughts, thinking that there is no solution and I'm destined to live this zombie-like life, but I found this web site and see that I am definitely not alone.  I'm grateful for that.

I'm going to look into some of the suggestions posted, and I really appreciate people sharing their experiences and remedies.  I'm not going to give up, even though a lot of days I want to.  When I find something that seems to help I will post it.
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