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severe dust mite allergy

Has anyone every been treated with Xolair thearpy. Thinking about it
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I just started Xolair 3 wks ago.  My allergist feels it will help my moderate-severe asthma.  I'm not so sure but want some relief!  I haven't noticed a difference yet, although allergist said it could take 6-12 mos to have an effect.  I have noticed a slight eczema-like rash on my arms, legs, and stomach which may be due to the Xolair (need to consult w/allergist).

I've got a history of allergies, asthma, sinus infections, IgA deficiency, upper and lower respiratory infections, and mild tricuspid valve regurgitation.  In addition to a regimen of asthma & allergy meds, I'm frequently prescribed prednisone.  My symptoms have been worsening over the past few years.

My pulmonologist suspects (no diagnosis yet) some form of vasculitis but sent me to ENT to see if any sinus etiology.  ENT referred me back to my allergist who decided to have me try Xolair. I had my 1st injection 3 wks ago. If Xolair doesn't help, I'll likely be back to my pulmonologist who will probably suggest an open lung biopsy which we discussed last spring (2009)and decided to go the route of ENT first.

I'd suggest reading the patient information available for Xolair.  Your doctor should have this info or you could find it on the internet.

Hope you're feeling better soon.
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I too have a severe dust mite allergy. I'm interested in talking with people who have a severe allergy. I'm in between diagnosis' and want to know what symptoms other have.

Hope the Xolair works for you if you try it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have not used it.
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Xolair has been helpful. Have been taking it for about 18mo. However the effects of it wear off and is not a cure. Very expensive and time consuming but not sure how I would survive without it. Still looking for a "cure" for Dust mites. Someone told me about a person who went somewhere in Florida and was cured of their allergies in about 3 days. Anyone heard of such a therapy?
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How is your Xolair working for you?
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