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severe neck pain flu like symptoms

First I woke up with a sore throat and severe neck pain on both sides, then throughout the day I developed flu like symptoms (fever, chills, joint and muscle pain with continueing pain in my neck.) Does anybody have any idea? I would say flu but I never experienced a neck pain like this. Thanks.
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hi- have you been tested for menengitis? the first symptoms is stiff neck and flu-like symptoms...
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I'm so glad I came across this forum.  Here it is just a few days before Halloween (kdoc) a year later.  I am suffering from the exact same symptoms; however, I did not think my foot pain was even related.  I can barely move my neck, can't walk on my right foot,  and feel like I have the flu or mono, but no fever.  I was considering going to the hospital to test for meningitis I hurt so bad.  After, seeing that this is a fairly common virus, I'll hold out a few days to see if it passes.  Aleve only helped a little this afternoon.  Any other suggestions to ease the pain and discomfort?  What about the fatigue?
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Agh! You should go to a chiropractor (a good one) and get your neck adjusted. In some cases, other problems relate to spinal misalignment. The spine can often be the root of pain in other areas of the body. I shudder to think of popping your neck all the time: so bad! Think: a good chiropractor may be able to relieve headaches and shoulder and neck pain. I would suggest asking someone you know for a reference. It's important to find a GOOD chiropractor.
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I had the same thing happen:  I sat up in the night, there was a LOUD pop, and the pain made it hard for me to even breathe because even the slightest movt. felt like being stabbed.  Or worse.  Everyday I have to pop my neck many times.  I don't twist it w/ my hands, but I just tilt my head back and it pops.  This relieves the tension for a few minutes.  It's been this way since I was 16; I'm now 23.  I also have hard lymph nodes at the base of my skull.  The neck pain is worse when I'm having allergies and my sinuses are swollen.  I'd like to know what's going on.
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I just happened to come upon this article on "neck virus" while trying to figure out what the heck is going on in my necl.  I had a headache this week, it lasted about 2 days.  I was very fatigued for about 2 days afterward and today I have really bad neck pain.  It's not so much in my vertabrae but in the muscles at the base of my neck and my right shoulder.  My feet have also been really sore.  I am in good shape and excersize daily so it's not that I'm out of shape.  I have been wondering if I'm fighting something and have taken a homeopathic remedy for symptoms of the flu...Tylenol takes the edge off but not all the way.
It helps to know I'm not crazy by seeing your story posted...

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I am terming it the Neck Flu.  I had an off and on headache that began this past Saturday evening, October 28,2006.  Just Yesterday, the 31st, I began experiencing  a little neck and shoulder pain on the right.  My headaches pain seemed to be localized behind my right eye and right ear, very sharp and half nauseating.  My face hurt like when you have a bad sinus infection, but I had no runny nose or stuffiness.  I made an appointment with my chiropractor, and she made several adjustments.  Yet, just today, it all seemed to be getting worse.  I went back to my chiropractor, and when I began sharing with her some of my symptoms, she said that there was a virus going around that were giving people severe neck pain and swelling.  It lasts usually 2 days, and does not seem to have a fever.  It was difficult to even answer the phone when my sister-in-law called when I arrived home.  When I explained what I was going through, she told me she had the same thing happen to her just a week or so ago.  She was ready to make an emergency call to her chiropractor after the second day when she awoke on the third morning feeling completely fine.  She said she had the mild sore throat, her feet hurt (Like I had experienced) and terrible headache and neck pain.  I think it is important to note this seems to have a short life to it, and does not appear to be a serious threat to the healthy, even children.  Her 6 year old daughter also had it, and my 4 year old has just tonight begun to complain of her arm hurting, and having a headache.  Tylenol seems to relieve the pain, but it is worthy to note that this does seem to be seemingly what I would consider highly contagious.  Hitting shortly before Halloween, I would not be surprised if this makes a large sweep in communities nationwide in the next several weeks.
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