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Did Allergy Shots help your headaches?

Hello there.  I have been experiencing headaches right around my eyes and nose and forehead for quite a few years now.  Because allergy meds seem to only work for a while on me like a year or so, the doc has now done allergy testing and I am on allergy shots.  I do not have any severe allergic reactions ever but due to the constant headaches and alot of sinus infections we went to shots.  Other avenues of my headache causes have already been exhausted.  I have no structural problem in my sinuses and my MRI was clear.  On my allergy testing.. they told me I am allergic a little bit to just about everything they tested for but especially mold.    My headaches have a throbing feeling and often get so bad I get sick at my stomach.  Usually the only thing that helps is ibuprofen and sleep.  
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I have the same problem.  Honestly...this is probably a bit weird...but I heard that botox for headaches works and after all the scans, chiropractor, medicines, and doctor visits, I tried botox in the area it hurt.  I really think it helped for almost a year.  I'm definitely due again though.  If you get someone who isn't salesy and you know what you want for the botox and why, then it should only cost around $15-18 a unit and you'd probably need no more than 12 units.
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     Your symptoms seem to be of sphenoid or frontal sinusitis. Sinusitis is the inflammation of the sinuses due to allergy or infection or spraying chemicals, smoke, air pollution etc. n your case the cause for sinusitis has been identified as allergy, as no other source is present. For persistent or severe allergies which do not clear off with regular treatments like antihistamines or topical steroids, allergy shots can be preferred. Allergy shots usually help in clearing these allergies and different modes are present in this treatment also depending upon the requirement and time frame which you choose to take allergy shots. Hope this helps. Best.
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