1297639 tn?1272605366

shavig bumps around the bikini area

ok i dont really know if this is a allergy but everytime i shave around my vagina i get some itchy bumps and its weird. i hate them alot.. and well i've been concern... could they be something else or are they normal.. im sexually active but i've been to the doctors several time because i get so freaked out... they always say i'm well. by the way i always shave with a clean blade...
4 Responses
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1294017 tn?1282275253
hey this happens to me too. its just an irritaion from shaving. if the hair is too short the  bumps will be worse. if you leave the hair a little bit longer it may not happen as much or be as bad.
always make sure you have a sharp blade cos blunt ones will make it worse. :)
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988694 tn?1332359479
What helps sometimes is to apply some cream to moist and lubricate the skin. Just after shaving and after every shower.
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You're supposed to scrub the area in the shower first before shaving to prep the area...don't overdo it, but it gets rid of the dry skin, bacteria, and ingrowing hairs.  After that, shave only in the direction the hair is going.  Ideally you will use a shaving cream with vitamin E.  Vitamin E is really supposed to help, if it doesn't put some neosporin in that area, because it's just ingrowing hair issue (which are small cause pus).
I know of a product called Afterburn too that is supposed to help
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Also, if this really bugs you, try permanently removing the hair by lazer hair removal.  I did 1 session once and all the hair grew right out with absolutely no bumps at all.  It grew back though because it takes about 6 sessions to kill the hair in every growth cycle...I haven't had the money yet, but when I do, it's a definite for me.
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