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shellfish allergy and arthrogram

My workers comp doctor has ordered an arthrogram for shoulder pain. I have a shelllfish allergy, is this a safe procudre for me? 10 years ago about 1-2 hours after eating at red lobster i had an asthma attack, the ER dr said it is a shellfish allergy--i haven't eaten shellfish since. the location that this procedure will be done at is 1 1/2- 2 hours away from home with nothing in between. I also have a latex allergy which doesn't always bother me but sometimes causes contact dermitis--blood work came back positive for a latex allergy. I have noticed that my asthma has gotten a little worse over the last 10 years.
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168348 tn?1379357075

You need to definitely speak with your Dr before having the procedure done and then when you are there REMIND EVERY SINGLE PERSON you come in contact with about your latex allergy.  I don't know about the dye used but ask and ask again and double and triple ask and even if they all say it's ok, see if your Dr will prescribe a steroid to be given before the procedure if any type of dye is used...they did this with my daughter who is anaphylactic to latex, yet is ok with shellfish ... as precaution.  She was ok but there was NO IODINE involved in her CT scan.  

So many things have latex in them in the hosp and come in non-latex variants .. inc. the BP cuff.  So ask and ask and ask ....

Pls. come back and keep us posted and I hope your test goes well .. I had one done 20 yrs ago for my shoulder..

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thanks for the response, I just really don't want to have the test done but because it's workers comp they demand that it be done. (I am really afraid of needles)The risk of reaction related to the contrast does scare me. I will have a 1 1/2 hour drive/ride home after the test and there aren't any hospitals on the way. Because shellfish triggered an asthma attack should i say that i had an anaphylactic reaction?
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