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sinus drainage and long term sore throat

I have always had issues once or twice a year with sinus drainage and clogging but this year I am also suffering from a sore throat that has lasted for almost a month. It seems to get worse at the end of the day and feels tight. I haven't seen a doctor as of yet and thought I would see if their was anything I could do without having to go to the doctor. It's more annoying than anything but some nights it does get bad enough that I can't stand to swallow. I have never been treated for this sinus issue.Is it something I should get checked out? Is it an allergy? Have I now gotten a sinus infection? Is there anything herbal that I can take as antibiotics mess with my body?
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Glad the post was of some help to you.

Do update us on how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.

Let us know how your appointment with the allergy specialist goes.

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The only substance that I know I am allergic to is sulfa drugs. I am currently seeing a great specialist for my fibromyalgia and he may be able to guide me in the right direction for a good allergist. I have never really seen anyone because it has always been just more of an annoyance and I've had bigger problems to deal with. But now this sore throat is just going on and on and since my fibromyalgia diagnosis and others I have been trying to really get my body in good order. This is not good order. lol. I will check into a specialist and in the meantime try your other suggestions. Oral medication just seems to dry me up and make my sinuses and throat more sore but the other may be helpful. Hot tea is usually helpful too but last night that wouldn't even help and this morning it is still really bad. Thank you.
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Has a CT scan of the sinuses been done? This could be due to the post nasal drip that occurs associated with sinusitis.

You should try some steam inhalation and saline nasal drops along with oral antihistamine medications and see if it helps with your symptoms.

Are you allergic to any specific substances?

It is in fact a good idea to consult an allergy specialist and get a clinical evaluation.

You should consult your symptoms if your symptoms still persist. Let us know about how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.

Hope this helps.

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