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allergic to weed?

so i tried smoking weed for the first time the other day, and like id say it was pretty normal how i reacted to it. is it normal to twich?
the second time was worse, i felt like i was crazy. is it normal to ball your eyes out when you are high? my friend kept tickling me, and i felt like he was hurting me, the whole time i was scared of him, cuz i thoought he was gonna hurt me, my friend says im allergic to it, but how do i know? what are some symptoms of being allergic to weeed?
3 Responses
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1343146 tn?1279330643
There are different reactions to illegal drugs.  Being allergic would normally result in constant vomitting, hives, difficulty breathing, and rash, among other things.  You were probably just crying because you were paranoid or releasing some emotion you had bottled up inside.  You know how they say people get the "giggles", well it sounds like it had the opposite effect on you.  I do not think crying is a symptom of being allergic.  Twitching is normal.  The scared feeling was the "paranoia" that you get when doing illegal drugs.  You and your friends should maybe find a different hobby, that way you do not have this reaction to it again.  Or maybe if they are participating in it, you should opt out of it.  I dont know where you live and if it is legal there or not, but either way it is not good on your respiratory system.  It is very harsh and can lead to bad conditions later on down the road.   Please try to stay away from this.  I cannot tell you to stop doing it, I can only hope and pray that you make the right decision.  If you do not want to feel the way it made you felt, then I would suggest not trying it again.  god bless and take care.  Good luck.
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757592 tn?1307792853
maybe you can get immunotherapy for weed....lol
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I would definitely say that you should stay away from the stuff.  What the stuff is supposed to do to a person is bad enough, why subject yourself to worse things?
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