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allergies/chronic sinusitis

Okay, believe it or not I have had a sinus infection for over a year now.  I am Deaf in one ear due to Meniere's disease, and my ENT said that I now have it in my other ear.  I went to a Meniere's specialist and I don't have Meniere's in other ear.  Turns out it is chronic sinusitis.  It is destroying me!!  I started immunotherapy shots 3 months ago but they take nine months to work.  I cannot hear, sick all the time, can't go bak to work because I cannot hear.  Severely depressed, don't want to leave house because I cannot hear.  Has anyone experienced this.  What was the results!!  please help!!  
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I would like to suggest a company called Sinus Dynamics.  They must have a prescription from your doctor.  It has completely changed my life.  It is a nebulizer which you inhale the antibiotics and medicines that your doctor prescribes.  So therefore it is going directly to the sinuses and does not have to take long as travel through your bloodstream as antibiotics do.  I suffered for 6 months with my last infection.  I have done it all, allergist (weekly shots), 4 different ENT's when nothing was working, neurologist, cat scans, etc.  I finally found and ENT who suggest the Sinus nebulizer.  It changed my life!  I was about to give up.  I, too, would cry some days from the constant pain and discomfort.  I lost days at work, was useless to my family, etc. etc. and was becoming very weak and depressed.  They have a website called Sinusdynamics.com.  I suggest anyone with chronic sinus disease check out this website.  I was skeptical because NOTHING was working for me, but I kept my faith and finally I am back to my normal life again.  I am sure I will have to use the nebulizer from time to time because sinus disease does not go away.  But it clears up the infection and makes life manageable again.  Please try it or at least research the website.  Good luck to you all.
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if you both are having trouble hearing due to the allergy or the tube stopped up you may can try using nose drops..yes nose drops in the nose.  What you would do is lay on bed and hang your head off one side and put the drops in the nostril that is hanging off that side of the bed...then go to other side of bed and repeat for the other nostril.  Lay there for just a bit to let the drops roll into the eustachian tubes and it will help dry up the fluid build up and help with your hearing then.
That was told to me by my cousin a ENT.  Also my husb has to take an allergy pill every day to be able to breathe, if he gets really bad case of eyes pouring water, sneezing etc he comes to the office and gets a kenalog shot that dries him up in a day or two.
Chemical or strong smelling fumes give me inner ear trouble and nothing clears it up until I just wear off the reaction to it.
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Hi, I sympathise as I have had ongoing chronic sinusitus for 4 months now. (had it before every 2 months for a year).  Ive seen various ENTs and only in June was referred to an allergy specialist and am on combined steroid and antibiotic which isn't helping much. Im due back in Dec.  I developed labrynthitus from the infection for about a month which was horrible and made me dizzy (very similar to menieres disease).  The diagnosis ive been given is chronic sinusitus with secondary allergy (allergic to dust, pollen etc).  I often can't hear or my ears feel blocked. I too have felt very depressed as it feels like its taking over my life, and discovering this forum has at least made me feel im not alone.  There are so many of us out there.  I have been reading the sugguestions on the forum and am trying anything I can to get it to clear up.  Please hang in there, I know its hard, Ive had day after day where ive cried and wanted to give up, but I keep the faith ill find something to work for me.  Ive been off work 4 months and I know how awful it is being stuck in all the time.  My ENT thinks keeping my allergy under control is the best way to stop the sinusitus, but at the moment I don't seem to be improving despite months of this.  Hang in there. Ill let you know if I find anything to work.
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