454221 tn?1259445739

sinus problems causing throat issues?

I have been having throat issues since march 08.  At the same time I had bronchitis or possibly pnuemonia.  I have this feeling that something is in my throat or something is swollen.  I went to a pulmonary doc. because I had wheezing about every two weeks that would last for a couple of minutes.  Nothing drastic.  It would not keep me from breathing just more of a annoying problem.  My lung doc tested my blood for several tests.  Blood test showed I had chlamydia pnuemonia in past, severe alllergy dust mites, mild allergy to dogs.  Also had methancoline challenge test and showed suspected vocal cord dysfuntion and mild asthma. Pulmonary function test showed normal twice.  I have seen an ENT doc twice and she does not see anything and does not see vocal cord dysfunction.  I just recently went to see an allergy doc and said it could be my sinuses, but I have to do ct scan of my sinuses on August 11th.  I'm also having a skin test done on the 6th.  Allergy doc said sinus problems can mimic asthma, possible vocal cord dysfunction on methancoline challenge test.  Could this be possible?
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Your doctor is right about sinusitis causing symptoms other than just a blocked nose.

Are you on any medications for your complaints?

The signs and symptoms of chronic sinusitis include:

    * Facial pain and pressure especially in the forehead, temples, cheeks, nose and
      behind the eyes
    * Difficulty breathing through the nose
    * Drainage of a thick, yellow or greenish discharge from the nose or down the back
      of the throat
    * Reduced sense of smell or taste
    * Nasal obstruction or congestion
    * Aching in your upper jaw and teeth
    * Headache
    * Teeth pain
    * Bad breath (halitosis)
    * Ear pain
    * Fatigue
    * Cough
    * Nausea
    * Sore throat


You should get a chest xray, CT scan of the sinuses done - do let us know the reports too.

You should consult your doctor and start appropriate medications including antibiotics, nasal sprays, antihistamine medications and decongestants.

You should try some steam inhalation, warm saline gargles and saline nasal drops to help with your symptoms till you see your doctor.

Let us know if you need any other information and post us about how you are doing.


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454221 tn?1259445739
Thanks.  Back in the winter of 05 I got my first sinus infection and they did a head scan not a scan of my sinuses, but it showed blockage in several areas.  I have been put on claritin, zyrtec, flonase, and zantac.  But have stop most of them temporarily for the skin test on the 6th.  I'm hoping the ct scan of my sinuses will give me more answers.  I will let you know an update  in August.  Thanks again.

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454221 tn?1259445739
I forgot to mentioned I have also had two lymphnodes swollen since about march 08 as well.  One was on my neck on left bottom side and the other on the left in the pelvic region.  Can sinus problems cause lymphnodes to swell?

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Neck lymph nodes could be enlarged secondary to any upper respiratory tract infection including sinusitis.

The pelvic lymph nodes are palpable normally in many individuals - you could consult your doctor for a physical examination to find out if they are significant.

You should try some steam inhalation, warm saline gargles and saline nasal drops to help with your symptoms till you see your doctor.

Let us know if you need any other information and post us about how you are doing

Do let us know the CT scan reports and update us on the latest.


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454221 tn?1259445739
Will do.  Thanks again for your quick response.

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It is nice to know that the postw as of help to you.

You can follow up about any other doubts that you might have and do let us know the latest.

You should also continue with steam inhalation, warm saline gargles, saline nasal drops to help you with your symptoms.

Your doctor might also prescribe some steroid nasal drops and antibiotics depending upon your reports.

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454221 tn?1259445739

I just did my ct scan and allergy skin test.  The ct scan of my sinuses showed no blockage, but mucus above my nose.  And my nose is a little crooked and allergy doc said that could also be causing my drainage.  The allergy skin test showed allergies to dust mites and some grasses.

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Your allergy doc is correct in saying that the crooked nose may be the reason for your throat issues. Sometimes, it is the deviation of the nasal septum which may have caused  the blockage of the sinuses and therefore leads to clogging up and thereafter such symptoms.

The allergies are still significant since that may be the reason for the problems.

I hope you are now on the path to recovery. What advise did your doctor give? I think there may be some anti-histamines which may still be needed.

Keep me posted on your health
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454221 tn?1259445739
Thanks so much for your quick response.  I do take claritin when I need it and flonase.  The only other thing the allergy doc gave was a sinus rinse kit that I have yet to use.  He did tell if it did not help to let him know and he could give a referral to the ENT doc again.  I will try the flonase and rinse kit first and see if it helps.
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It is nice to know that the management plan in your case is going well according to the usual protocol.

It would be best to do as your doctor has suggested - try out the kit and flonase nasal spray , and if you do not get any symptomatic relief , you would need to see an ENT specialist to decide whether any intervention needs to be done for your nose.

You could also try saline nasal drops, steam inhalation, warm saline gargles, and continue taking antihistamine medications.

Post us if you have any other doubts and let us know about how you are doing.

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