I seem to be allergic to my work. I work in a grocery store, and as I walk in (flowers and produce at front door)  My voice goes into Minnie Mouse mode, I get dizzy, tingling in scalp, shakey, runny nose, lips burning, slobbering, the whole bit.

I have had allergy testing done, results tomorrow. The lab did tell me I was highly allergic to some items, but not what.

My question, since I  stay away from produce section as much as possible and am on steriods and still having these issues, can I die by going to work?
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Helo and welcome to the community.

That is a good question to ask your doctor.

Your symptoms can be from several things.  The smells could be triggering Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD) attacks which are a nuisance but harmless.  The worst that could happen is that it is possible to pass out.  Then normal breathing resumes.  

You could also have asthma or non-asthmatic Reactive Airway Disease.  Your burning lips could be oral allergy syndrome.  One of my daughters has her mouth itches when I cut a cucumber.  

You should discus your specific allergies, the severity of them, if you need an epi-pen to carry, and other treatment options.  You don't want to stay on oral steroids very long.  They are very bad for just about every system of your body if taken for an extended period of time.

Please let us know what your doctor has to say.

God bless.
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Same here, I am also allergic too. What I did was I went for a check up and see what the doctors can do, I went to Urgent Care Medical Center.
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Are you in the US?  Federal law requires an employer to take reasonable precautions to provide a safe working environment.  Just be careful how you aproach it and what you ask for.

Many of your symptoms can be controlled with nasal sprays.  Talk to your doctor about ways to control your symptoms so that you can continue working.

God bless.
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Thank you for your answer,

I see allergest today for results and speach therapist next week for VCD. I do have an epi-pen. My concern is really that I can't work and that means no insurance!
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