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my lips,eye and ear gets swollen

hi  i got up one day and my lip was swollen next day it got bigger i went to  the doctor and he gave me some pills to take but next 2 days my lip went down and my eye got swollen and it's been swelling  itching me for the last 2 month's times it goes down please help me.
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How are you doing now?

Do post us on the latest and also if you need any other information.

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519035 tn?1348275773
benadryl 3 times a day for the next week or so
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You could be having an allergic reaction to some substance .

What other symptoms are you having? Let us also know if you have any past history of any allergic reaction or any family history of allergies, etc.

You could apply calamine lotion at the site and see if it helps. Use a lip balm with a sunscreen - preferably a medicated one and wash your face several times a day. Apply a layer of vaseline or keep your mouth covered with a wet cloth when at work and see if it helps.

You could take oral antihistamine medications for a few days and see if it helps with your symptoms.

If the lesions still persist talk to your doctor about it and see what needs to be done after a proper clinical examination.

Let us know if you have any other doubts or queries.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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