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sore lips ..allergic reaction?

ok so about 2-3 days ago i woke up and my lips were a little sore and chapped then a few hours later they starte to hurt then by the end of the day they were all puffy and red and were like that the next whole day and the skin peels off and now i have tiny little bubbles all over my lips. my lips are so sore and ive been keeping vasaline on them 24/7 and i cant figure out what is it any ideas ?
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Did you eat something different? Do you know if you are allergic to certain kinds of foods or other particles in the air or some medications? To me it seems like an allergic reaction to something including but not limited to food, air born allergies or medications. The weather is getting colder as well so it impact you lips to become sore, dry, chapped etc. Vasaline is a good product. Also try to increase your water intake to about 8 -10 glasses a day. Hope this helps. Best wishes!
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OMG!! This is exactly what happened to me!! I ate some green grapes before going to bed on Sunday and when I woke up on Monday, my lips were covered with tiny bumps and they itch like crazy!!! What do I do and how long does it last?????
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