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Allergic to pregnancy implantation?

Can someone please explain what type of allergic reaction I had to pregnancy implantation and how this is possible? Could this have been deadly? Could it happen again?

I had a severe allergic reaction to pregnancy implantation. Aprox. 5 days after intercourse/conception I experienced a sudden onslaught of these symptoms: My blood pressure went up 20 pts., my heart rate up, my breathing became labored (rushed) and my liver started to hurt/ache (felt like a cramp in my liver). These symptoms lasted until about 1-2 days before my period and then it stopped. (about 5-6 days of these symptoms were experienced). I am assuming my immune system attacked the implanting cells preventing implantation? This is exactly how I respond to eating eggs, an allergy that I developed after getting the MMR vaccine in college (I later found out that the MMR vaccine was cultured in eggs). However, this implantation allergy was the first time I have ever experienced liver pain which made me think it was severe. If I have too many circulating NK cells...what caused that? I worry that I may have too many circulating NK cells because my immune system is constantly fighting something?

This was a second pregnancy with the same person. The first pregnancy (normal) 9 months prior resulted in an elected abortion. My boyfriend is B- and I am O+.  I have no other allergies besides eggs and Sulfadrugs. I am healthy and fit 36 year old with normal blood pressure 113/76 and no illnesses or diseases (besides herpes).

I searched all over the internet for someone else getting an allergic reaction this severe at pregnancy implantation and I haven't heard of this happening to any one else.


Also; has any one ever heard of the anti-pregnancy vaccine? Is there any way that an abortion clinic would administer this to patients w/o their consent?
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Thank you for responding. The reason I say it was implantation is because intercourse was on day 14 of my cycle, exactly when I ovulate on my 28 day cycle. It takes 5 -12 days for the egg to implant and this allergic reaction occurred exactly 5 days after intercourse and subsided exactly 2 days before my period. Seems like far too much of a coincidence. I don't have a gynecologist since I don't have health care so I've been doing my own research. It was a pretty severe reaction. Pregnancy is a situation of immune tolerance, so what happens when the immune system does not tolerate the pregnancy? How severe could the response be?

Do you know why my liver would hurt (assuming this was an allergic reaction)?
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I am searching allergic reactions as this point as well. Several months now I get SUPER itchy upon implantation. My whole body swell...my tattoos raise and itch...and 10dpo I was almost throwing up, nauseous, dizzy and lightheaded, coupled with falling down drunk. I went to sleep for 2 hours and woke up groggy, but sxs had disappeared. Along with all my pregnancy sxs. This was more severe than the months prior. Not sure why it would happen.
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Hello Shelly,

So sorry to hear about your allergy. From what you have described I think it has nothing to do with implantation. First of all implantation depends on the time of ovulation( the time when the egg is released from the ovary) and on the time when intercourse has occured in relation to time of ovulation and not on the time of intercourse alone.

As far as I know I feel you are right when you say that there is no documented allergic reaction to the implantation on the internet. I suggest you to see your gynaecologist who would definitely throw more light on this and all your fears would be allayed.

Let me know what your gynaecologist opines.

Dr Avinash
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