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soy allergies

a little while back i switched from regular milk in my cereal to soy milk and was eating more tofu and i broke out in hives. Does anyone know much about soy allergies or have soy allergies.... i have never been tested for allergies and just kind of go with what i react to and find out information on my own... im wondering if i should try to avoid soy as much as possible(its in almost everything these days and pretty impossible to avoid) or is it more likely that i was just reacting to certain types of soy?
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Check out this website, it's got quite a bit of good information regarding soy allergies:

Additionally, I've had quite a long discussion at the following link regarding the possibility of having a soy allergy:


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172715 tn?1285494490
Just found out that people with autoimmune and thyroid disorders should stay away from all soy products.  It does something to your hormones.  Look up SOY PRODUCT &  THYROID DISEASE together. It should bring up the study that I accidently found. Very interesting stuff. This just goes to show you that too much of a good thing is not always good!
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172715 tn?1285494490
Are you saying that soy caused you more pain?  If it did then i'm not as nuts as I thought I was.  Someone tried to help me feel beeter by introducing me to a powdered drink that had abit of soy in it,started our o.k. until they changed the formula the next month and used the root and stem(I think) of the soy plant and my pain level went through the roof.  The more I drank the worse I got.  They told me that it meant the toxins were trying to come out of my body & to drink more water, but it didn't help. I felt like I had toxic skin it hurt so bad.  I couldn't find any info on allergies to soy & reactions to it so I just stopped it & felt better. You are right first poster, it is hard to find soy free items. Soy is supposed to be good for you,like dairy & wheat.
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As a so called "chronic pain" patient I also found out about the soy allergies the same way. The allerfist told me that each person has to define the amount, or if you cannot tolerate any at all. I discovered that I was allerfic to the drugs that were given to me alos. I was in crippleing pain due to that and the food allerfies. I didnt have the classic symtoms though. I did get the slight throst swelling, which I ignored for years, or attributed it to airborne allergens. Benadryl is my good friend now. It will ease the upper respitory problem, but does nothing for the pain later...
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