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How long does it take for steroids to leave the body after taking them for hives as i,m still piling on weight after four months
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You should take some pain relief medications, apply local analgesic creams at the site and try some warm compresses.

Consult your doctor about your symptoms. And next time do confirm whether the injectable is strong - then the buttocks would be the ideal site to prevent such symptoms from recurring.

Let us know about how you are doing and what your doctor advises.

Post us if you have any doubts.

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I'm in so much pain any one there that can answer my qeustion
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feels like a bad cramp
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It say on it, testosterone propionate 200mg says Gmp certified = 15%over filled = 2.3ml = 230mg. The make is Internatinal Pharmaceutical (IP)Mfg.lic.:FZE1519 Lot No.: 060813 Mfg Date.: 08/2006. Its alchole based(non oil based) thats all it reads. I'm not allergic to any meds and this never happened before. I did a liltle research and thee stuff has BA in it which I read other reports that this is the Cause of irritation and tgat it hurts alot but it hurts so bad. My shoulder mucle is very tight and slightly red and slightly swallon.
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It is unclear which kind of steroid you are taking. Is it a anabolic steroid? Or is it some other kind? What is your age and sex? Please also provide some history/background on your condition and medication history.

Usually, it is agreed that injectable medications given deep in muscles do cause some soreness. This may increase with frequency of therapy and dosage volume. It may require further diligence to ascertain whether you are undergoing an allergic reaction or not.

Let us know the answer to these. Also tell us if you may have any other queries.

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hi I'm taking propionate, an injectable steroid which is an alchole base(non oil base). It hurts like hell and my mucle is swallon and slitly red where injected. Can it be the BA in it? Or am I having an allergic reaction? I have no fever just irritation I can barly move my arm with out pain.
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hi I'm taking propionate, an injectable steroid which is an alchole base(non oil base). It hurts like hell and my mucle is swallon and slitly red where injected. Can it be the BA in it? Or am I having an allergic reaction? I have no fever just irritation I can barly move my arm with out pain.
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If you have stopped taking the steroids for the four months after stopping to take them, then the wait gain is not related to the steroid medications.

You should start a daily exercise and walking routine, eat a healthy balanced diet.

Avoid smoking and alcohol and processed foods.

This should help you to reduce the weight.

If not consult your doctor about it.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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