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titanium/vanadium/aluminum dental implant

Eleven months ago I had a titanium alloy dental implant along with a sinus lift and bovine bone graft.  The surgery was successful and the implant has since integrated with the bone.  One to two months after the surgery I started having cramps in the lower extremities that progressed to constant aching in the feet and knees.  Five months after the implant I elected to have the swine flu vaccination which resulted in a numb feeling and tingling in the extremities along with diarrhea and dizziness that subsided after a few days.  Since then the tingling has combined with the aching in the lower extremities and progressed upward to include the thighs.  Exercise makes all of the symptoms worse, as I experience severe aching and muscle twitching after any kind of physical activity.  A MRI of the brain and neck revealed increased areas of signal in the brain not consistent with ms.  Blood tests suggest autoimmune disfunction (positive ana, antithyroid antibodies, high IgG for parvovirus and EBV and CMV without being conclusive of connective tissue or thyroid disease.  A cone beam ct scan revealed an inflammatory process in the sinus above the implant and apical periodontal inflammation on the tooth behind the implant which was also giving me night fevers.  I have since had the root canal retreated on the tooth that was being blamed for my mouth discomfort.  This has resulted in a 100% improvement in the pain and feverish feeling emanating from THAT tooth, but I still have an strange irritating sensation emanating from the implant that extends to the cheek, nostril, and eye above the implant.  I have a feeling the implant is the cause of the mouth trouble and wondering if it is the cause of my neurological symptoms as well.  My physical activity has been reduced to a minimum compared to the level of physical activity previous to the surgery.  I wonder if the implant does not show the typical symptoms of rejection because of nightly bronchial and nasal steroid inhalations.  The implant looks good on scans and xrays.  I am not so good.  I am living a life of an inactive person because I have no tolerance for exercise.  I love to exercise and my dogs need a walk!!!  Today I went for a lower back MRI and had a hard time holding still because of feeling crampy and cold.

All of the docs say it is a coincidence that any of my problems started shortly after receiving the implant.  I have sent blood in for the Melisa test, but wonder if a reaction will show being I was not able to refrain from using inhalers for five days.  The implant has adhered to the bone and looks "perfect".  I am ready to get it out and praying I can return to my normal level of activity.  Is there anyone out there with some information that could help?

Am I the only one????  I don't think the ADA or the implant manufacturers want to investigate the possibility of this lucrative procedure being a problem for anyone, so it is hard to find any data supporting my suspicion.  

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I've had amalgam fillings for over 30 years, and a root canal and crown in 2010, all with no issues. I had a titanium implant on Feb 2 of this year. Almost immediately, I had terrible dry mouth, and either a salty, metallic or bitter taste, all of which the oral surgeon had "never heard of". I had him remove the implant post on March 16 because I was miserable. The problems improved a little, but I still have a metallic taste every day, some days its worse than others, mainly coming from the area of the implant. If I talk for long periods of time (and I am in sales) I get to the point I can no longer speak. I've seen my regular dentist, another dentist, an ENT, and my MD. No one can help. Can the titanium implant kick off a galvanic reaction that does not go away? I've had 2 more amalgams replaced with composite. Might this improve on its own over time? Its been 6 months since the titanium was removed. Is there another type of doctor I should see? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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1861560 tn?1324061292
That's good, I have been studying up on the ingredients in vaccines and that can be troublesome. Sending good thoughts your way!
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No he hasn't ever had a flu shot. He hadn't had a tetanus since high school. I think one antibiotic last winter.
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1861560 tn?1324061292
I am sorry to hear of all your family is going through.
I really dont have any advice or information about the bone graft.
Has your son had any vaccinations (flu shot, tentanus) lately?
Has he been on many antibiotics?
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My son also had a bone graft, I'm not sure what kind of material he used. You mentioned they used a synthetic material for your bone graft. Do you know if oral surgeons use different materials. I'm worried that when my son had his implants removed the oral surgeon used a material that could have triggered his symptoms to get worse. Terry thankyou for all your info and being so helpful! My son has app. End of August with naturopath/ biologist dentist. Hopefully he can help and start healing his body. We have been thru alot my husband has been diagnosed with stage 4 appendix Cancer year and half ago and liost my Dad 2 weeks later. my son and Daugter did research and found a surgical oncologist specialist that saved his life. My husband is well,athough he is not Cancer free yet his ct scan is stable. My son and my husband is real close, losing his grandfather and having his own health issues since he had them removed it has been difficult!! Keeping the faith!!
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You may want to try "oil swishing" - mix some melted coconut oil (not too hot) and add some cinnamon oil or peppermint flavoring (all the above can be found at Walmart) and swish like mouthwash for 15 minutes or as long as you can stand. This is supposed to help ALL mouth and gum problems. The coconut oil is antibacterial, anti fungal and will even whiten teeth. For me this helps with the jaw pain, the sore spots on the inside of my cheeks and the general taste of metal in my mouth. I'm not suggesting this is going to solve your problems - it won't but it help with your symptoms until you get some kind of resolution with the teeth. If you are getting infections or running fevers you can swish with colloidal silver (I swallow after swishing) a few times a day. Commercial colloidal silver is expensive so if at all possible make your own for about 5 cents a gallon. Some companies use salt which is not colloidal silver. If you can't/ won't make your own email me at Vicki.***@**** and send me your address and I will send you a bottle.
Best of health.
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