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unknown allergic reaction

Recently went on a 3 night holiday with the family and on the last day I broke out in rashes on my arms, face plus both my eyes were severely swollen. I do not know what caused it?? As far as I know I'm not allergic to any foods but this may no longer be true...

Please help

2 Responses
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Hi, its difficult to predict what has triggered your allergic reaction. You will only have to wait and watch. We can develop allergies to different things throughout our lifetimes as the allergy develops in response to a repeated stimulus. Also it is possible to develop new allergies, you could develop new allergic reactions  to food or other substances. You will only have to closely monitor. Maintain a diary and note down what is triggering your symptoms, this may help to narrow the cause. In the meantime take antihistamines to help with your symptoms. Regards.
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Thank you so much for replying.

I will definitely start monitoring what I eat to find the culprit, so to speak and see a doctor as soon as possible for medication.

Thanks again.
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