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urticaria during pregnancy

i am 6 weeks pregnant and having urticaria...have got this a year before when i was pregnant and due to too much of steroids i had a miscarraige.....this time also rashes are bad specially during night time...i am now taking zyrtec 5mg daily one dose....had done a ultrasound during 5th week but there was no heart beat....Dr said everything is fine for heart beat we have to repeat the scan after 2 weeks.....he had also prescribe me dupashtone but after searching the forum i had not taken it as no one has written good about it.....i am now very much worried as we desperately need this baby....i wanted to know that taking zyrtec can have any side effect on the fetus or its safe....please reply i am not getting sleep due to this tension.....
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Your symptoms are suggestive of pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP). It is characterized by small red bumps and hives, and when severe, the bumps form large patches. This rash usually develops on the abdomen, and spreads to the thighs, buttocks, breasts and arms.
Anti-itching topical medications, antihistamines and topical corticosteroids can be used to control the itching.Zyrtec is a category B drug which means that the studies in animals is well documented but the studies in humans is not well documented and long term effects are not known.You should talk to your doctor if you are having apprehensions about this medicine.You can also apply calamine lotion on the itchy rashes.Regarding the fetal heart beat,it usually is detected by Doppler at 6-8weeks.So you should get a repeat examination done as your doctor has suggested.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep us posted if you have any additional queries.

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Check out safefetus.com to view the risk of various drugs in pregnancy.  Here is the link to zyrtec: http://www.safefetus.com/DrugDetail.asp?DrugId=92&TradeName=Zyrtec&TradeId=854
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