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do veramyst  nasal spray have a histamine blocker?
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I changed my doctor last week. She feels the same, which is why I have to go thru anther series of allergy testing. Last test was done 1992. Had to also see ENT yesterday. He suggested another sleep study for severe sleep apnea. I think I' ve found the right Dr. Thank you so much will keep you posted.
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563773 tn?1374246539

Soory to hear about your mother.Stress is natural in such circumstances.

I see that you are having the problem of chronic urticaria.It is defined as urticaria that persists for longer than 6 weeks. In most of the cases of chronic urticaria, the underlying pathology is idiopathic i.e it is not linked to any cause. It is essential to rule out the presence of serious illnesses of which recurring hives can be a symptom. Examples are hepatitis, hyperthyroidism, lymphomas, collagen vascular diseases, and cancers of the rectum, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Chronic infections such as chronic sinusitis can be associated with urticaria.

I feel that you should find out the cause of your chronic urticaria by ruling out the various conditions causing it.You will find some great information about chronic urticaria from the following website:

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep us posted on how you are doing.

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     Thank you so much. I have to go thru the series of allergy tests. They told me l have to be off of the antihistamines for seven days before test. This is so hard, because I too have chronic uterceria.
      I' ve found that at the onset of a breakout (espsecially my lips, nose, or eye area) iodine stops the swelling. I apply it heavily to the location of the breakout. Now This want work if you're allergic to iodine. Srcatching can cause the hives to spread more and quickly. a cool fan on high works to calm the itch and stop the hives.
       I'm 46 not a runner now, but use to be. I' ve had uterceria for 10 yrs. Its been about a yr. since I' ve had an attack, but I'm always so affraid that at the least itch I'm gonna braek out in hives.
       Stress always brought mine on. I lost my mom in July and I 'm feeling the stress.
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563773 tn?1374246539


Veramyst contains Fluticasone, a synthetic steroid of the glucocorticoid family of drugs that is used for treating allergic conditions involving the nose.It does not contain an antihistaminic.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted.

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