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white coating on tongue

Hi. Ive noticed that I have a white coating on my tongue a lot lately. The medicine I've been taking is Focalin and it says on there as a sympton" dry mouth. so could that be from a dry mouth? i mostly get it in the morning, i read its about bad hygeine? not good. its just really annoying cause my mouth is dry but the white coating makes it kinda moist and gross. and i dont know what to do about it. just brush more i guess? i remember i used to brush my tongue with peroxide but i dont have any.. or should i just go to the doctor if I notice it's still there?
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Does your tongue hurt at all? I see that you have/are considering thrush.  Thrush does cause pain.  Are you a respiratory patient on inhaled steroids?  Not rinsing thoroughly after using this type of medication can cause thrush over growth.  Antibiotic use will also contribute to the over growth.

I have taken diflucan which is very effective with a very bad over growth.  I have found that a slightly stronger than normal saline rinse and gargle works very well to keep it nipped in the bud.  The research I ded said to stay away from anything that will dry your mouth out as this will encourage growth.  Also, sweets will feed the yeast, so avoid them.  I have also found live culture yogurt helpful.
Take care.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, white patchy coated tongue is seen in many conditions. (vitamin C deficiency), bacterial, viral or fungal infections arise in the gums and teeth, producing acids and toxins that usually erode and cause inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) and white tongue also.

The inflammation makes gums swollen, and also affects tongue by white coating. If the tongue is covered by a coating, it may indicate the presence of toxins in the stomach, small intestine or large intestine.

You need to take regular Vitamin C supplements with maintenance of good oral hygiene. I suggest you to consult ENT specialist and get proper treatment. Take care and regards.
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thanks. I seriously have one thing after another. the white tongue is gone.. but then the tip of my tongue hurt.. almost like strawberry tongue which I've had before. Then I had a really bad  cough.. Then my jaw started hurting me. now I have a canker sore in my mouth which is making my cheek red and swollen which can't be good. And I have pain in my gums because my wisdom teeth are coming in and I'm getting them out soon. Now I feel sick to my stomach and have a virus thing or something since Friday. I just want to feel good. with no more pain. it;s one pain after another after another. :/
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