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yellow discharge in left nose smells bad

i have a tooth that needs to be pulled.. but my face swelled up and the doctor gave me clindamycin i take 2 150mg 4 times a day.. well the other day wen the left side of my face swelled first i started having yellow liquid dripping from my nose and it stinks really bad.. the smell stays on the tissue and in my nose sometimes wen i breathe through my mouth i can taste a horrible taste.. going to get my tooth pulled wen/if the swelling goes down, but the stink in my nose and it just pouring out constantly is really bothering me.. been to the ER and they send me home and tell me to go back to the dentist.. the dentist tells me to wait till the swelling goes down.. well swelling not goin down anytime soon and my nose just keeps pouring like a waterfall lol it smells horrible.. Does any 1 know why this happens??
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, the yellow nasal discharge suggests infection. Your symptoms are suggestive of atrophic rhinitis which is associated with foul smelling nasal discharge, bad breath, nasal obstruction, nasal crusting, and dryness etc.  It is associated with mucosal colonization with Klebsiella ozaenae as well as other organisms.

You may need to undergo Rhinoscopy, culture and antibiotic sensitivity of the nasal discharge (usually involves organisms like Pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococcus aureus), Radioimaging of the nose.

You can go for nose lavage with warmed isotonic saline at least twice daily with specialized devices, syringes, bottle sprayers, and nebulizers are also effective. After lavage, use petroleum jelly or personal lubricants to lubricate the mucosa. Along with this proper antibiotic therapy is required. I suggest you to consult ENT specialist. Take care and regards.
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Did you miss part about teeth???? Or did you ignore on purpose??? I have been taking this for 5 days and woke up with thick saliva in throat and chest pains. Thought abscesses had burst. They had not. Dentist had me come in. Told me to stay on. Surgery Monday. Hasn't made a difference except cause more problems. Why do dentists prescribe this knowing they can give other illnesses for life?! I have 3 abscessed teeth. Bad taste in mouth, hoarseness and what I woke up today. This is a bad drug! This is just one site. Answer the question about his tooth which is why he was put on. Then explain to him his new disease and your diagnosis from drug!
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