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yellow liquid from nose

I was knealing down earlier and a stream of yellow watery liquid came from my right nostril.  I'd say about 2 tablespoons of liquid is what ran out of my nose.  This was not mucus and I have not been sick at all lately.  About an hour later I bent over again and could feel it about to happen again and blew my nose right away, again it was a yellow liquid.  I have never experienced this before.  I tried researching on the net but no real luck yet.  I have not had any kind of head injury lately.  I do work in hot conditions though almost daily.  I work new construction in houses with no AC, with temps getting above 110 with the heat index.  This week I did get pretty hot 2 days in a row.  I have worked in these conditions before and it has never bothered me, but on these 2 particular days, my eyes at the end of the day burned a good bit.  Could the heat be hurting me in a way I am not aware of ?  Today was Saturday and I didn't work, so I didn't get hot at all.  Can someone please help me out here and point me in the right direction of what might be wrong.
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Two or three times over the past several years I've had this same problem - an abrupt release of runny bright yellow or orange fluid from my left nostril.  It can continue for several days, and is particularly annoying when I go to bed or wake up.

The one twist in my case is that the first symptom is terrible tooth pain.  It seems to emanate from the roots of the upper jaw, left side.  The only anodyne I've found for this is a single large dose of guaifenesin (about 800 mg).  This relieves the pressure and pain, and starts the drainage.
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i have the exact same problem too, wondering if you found any cure to that?
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Mine effection same as you ... Now my left nose can't smell any smell so how are you now u can smell ?  Im worry now
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I have this effection and my left face,teeth and nose is very pain and then I go and see a doctor and now is not so pain but my left nose can't smell any smell but can breath I'm worry now ... Can I ask you the smell of my nose can be back ?
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Can you smell it
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I just took chlorpheniramine  for a rash that the doctor gave me and I just had a steam of yellow liquid from my nose, its happen to me when I go kayaking and am praciting my rolls, but this was random  what should I do, stop taking the meds or go back to the doctor. The pill I just took was a yellow colour  
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I'm not alone with this! I have been very sick for over a week now. Pneumonia, just finished my antibiotics and getting close to being done with two different medicines that I use in a nebulizer. Tonight, I bent down and a clear yellow liquid poured from just my right nostril. I've never had this happen before and it is alarming! It makes me wonder if I still have an infection? Please, keep posting any answers you all get if you go to a Dr! I feel better knowing I'm not alone, and I wish the best for everyone here.
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